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I try to take another deep breath as best I can, which is very difficult when I look at him, before I carefully place my lips on his. He lets it happen, but doesn't do anything, which really irritates me. Then he returns it.

And I haven't felt so good and happy in a long time. He slowly separates himself from me and looks at me with a satisfied smile. The next moment he yawns loudly.

"Tired?" he nods. "Do you want to stay here?" he nods again. "Well then. Come on" I stand up and hold out my hand to him, which he takes gratefully. On the way into the room I quickly grab my phone, which is on a dresser in the hallway.

When I get to the room, I take a very large and baggy shirt out of the closet and throw it to Simon. We change our clothes and after having a quick drink, we go to bed.

Simon cuddles up in my arms and just looks at me for a long time, then he kisses me with a grin. Somehow it feels like we've never done anything else, which we all know isn't true.

"You wanted to know which song lines were dedicated to you, right?" Simon begins slowly. I nod. "There's a song that's pretty much dedicated to you. I had to change it a bit when we were recording it, but yeah..." he pauses for a moment, as if he's thinking, and then starts singing quietly to himself.

"Because I no longer know what you look like, no more what you do. No more how you smell and no more how you laugh. No more how you grin, damn, how you sound. And it's curse and Blessings, what time takes away. And I heard about your new boyfriend. And it doesn't hurt anymore. You're doing well and you live. And it's good to see that. I wish the best for you. And that someone finally gives you what I couldn't be for you. I'm sorry, Sun. But I waited here so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so long, that something is coming, but nothing came from you. Write your last song and end it."
(Cr: Letzter Song - Cro)
I listen to him carefully.

"Wow and ouch" "I've never received such a sympathetic response to a song before" Simon laughs. "By the way, Boyfriend was originally Girlfriend. But Alejandro said that if we make it Boyfriend, there will be less strange rumors"

I kiss him. "I love it like that too" we talk a little more, then Simon falls asleep, and I do too shortly afterwards.

Pov Simon
I wake up to a phone ringing. Where am I? Right. I look briefly at Wille, who is surprisingly still asleep, carefully free myself from his embrace and reach for the bedside table where my phone is lying. I take a look at it. Mom. Shit.

I kiss Wille, who actually wakes up straight afterwards. "Sorry to wake you up, but my mom is calling right now" I say quietly in his direction. Despite the fact that he just woke up, he knows what I'm getting at and rolls over to the other side of the bed. I'll answer the call.

"Mom, hi" I sit up. "Hey. I should call you. You know, grandma..." "Fuck" "That's exactly why" she laughs. "When does she arrive again?" Mom takes a quick look at the kitchen clock. "In an hour, so you still have some time" she pauses and looks more closely at her phone. "Where are you?"

I can't even keep a secret, she always has to figure it out. "I slept at someone's house" I look briefly at Wille, who is watching me with amusement. "Was Alejandro too loud again?" "No, this time I wasn't at home voluntarily" I stretch and yawn.

"Whoever you are with, I found Wille to be the most likeable one so far." "Mom!" I say indignantly. "I'm just saying" I see Wille laugh out of the corner of my eye and then roll back over to me. He kisses me on the neck. Mom stares at her phone like she just saw a ghost. I grin.

"Wille" she says loud of joy. How can you be so happy about something like that? Wille puts his arm around me and almost falls asleep again. I look at the time.

"Shit. I think I should get ready" I put my phone in Wille's hand with the words: "You can talk a little together" and go to his closet. "May I?" "Help yourself" I go through his things until I finally have everything I need. And while I'm changing, Wille explains the whole situation with Lia to Mom.

"I have to go, sorry" I kiss Wille gently goodbye. "When will we meet again?" he looks at me questioningly. "I don't know. I have a lot to do in the next few days, but we'll find something" I kiss him again. "Calling this evening?" "Yes, please" I put my phone in my pocket.

"Can I leave these things here?" I nod towards the clothes I wore yesterday. "Sure" "Bye" "Bye" I go to the front door, but on the way there I look again at Wille, who is grinning.

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