Chapter 9

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Zhao Yunlan looks around just to see Shen Wei is talking with someone at the bonfire. He frowns to see the seriousness face of Shen Wei to listen to the unseen person at there. Zhao Yunlan knows that unseen person is actually the ghost. But which ghost? He sured that ghost is not Wang nor Sang because those two SID ghosts are exceptional to him to see. Zhao Yunlan walks closer to Shen Wei to know the detail for who is the person Shen Wei talked to now.

"Wifey, who are you talking to? You have a serious face now," Zhao Yunlan curiously asked.

"Oh, Yunlan! I am sorry. I didn't notice you are coming to here. Well, I am talking with this ghost. The wondering ghost around this place. He said this place always not peaceful at night. Every night, those wild ghosts from Hanga Village always disturbing anyone who are camping at here or even anyone who just passing this place," Shen Wei told on behalf of that ghost.

"Why? Are they having a grudge to the human?" Zhao Yunlan interestingly wanted to know the whole story of this place.

"Well, he also didn't know why. I will let you see him now. But please don't shock or faint to see his condition, okay? He is in a bad condition with headless, armless and legless," Shen Wei reminded as she suggested to let Zhao Yunlan seeing this ghost now.

"Okay! I wonder why am I having an ability to see the rebellious and wild ghosts but not the kind ghosts like this," Zhao Yunlan whined.

Shen Wei and that ghost giggle to see this chief is whining like that.

"Maybe the kind ghosts are scarier than the rebellious and wild ghosts?" Shen Wei teased.

"Impossible, wifey. Why is the kind ghosts are scarier than those bad ghosts? Isn't it supposedly the bad ghosts are scarier than the kind ghosts?" Zhao Yunlan frowned.

Shen Wei smiles to hear that and she nods agreed. But then, when she let Zhao Yunlan to see the ghost with her now, automatically Zhao Yunlan screamed in fright, alerting all the people inside the tents and they all hurriedly came out to see what's happened. Yezhun can't help to laugh to see this bravery chief is actually coward too. And his cowardice is towards that kind ghosts with the bad condition.

"Meimei, don't laugh to my husband. He just never see the scariest ghost like this," Shen Wei scolded to Yezhun that coming to them at the bonfire together with the others.

"Really, chief? I thought you already saw any kind of ghosts in your life," Lin teased when he can see any kind of ghosts including the ghost with Shen Wei now.

"Err... Actually..." Zhao Yunlan lost his words to tell the truth to them all for his scare to this ghost now.

"Actually, he learned about ghosts because of the scariest ghost in his life when he saw the ghost with the condition like this. Scarier than this ghost. Worse than this one when that ghost not only headless, legless but also cut for two with all organs can be seen directly. It's happened when the first time he got his ability to see the ghosts when he was 5 years old. Then, his dad brought him to that monk and that monk sealed his ability to see the bad ghosts like this one but not the other ghosts because of his awakening power from Kunlun," Da Qing told the truth as he came to them in his human form and Zhao Yunlan nods admitted.

"Oh, poor you, my husband! Well, I promise you that I will not let you see this kind of ghosts to you again after this, okay?" Shen Wei promised and the others nod agreed to respect their chief.

Zhao Yunlan smiles to Shen Wei and with that Shen Wei didn't let Zhao Yunlan seeing this ghost anymore. But instead, Shen Wei is being the intermediate between them to tell whatever this ghost told to her about this place. Guo who just the first time to face this scary place in his intern, now feeling scare and his face already paler than before. Chu can't help to giggle to see the scaredy mouse of this intern now. And as expected by them all, after the gathering, Guo entered Chu's tent to sleep with Chu on that night for his scare.

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