Chapter 10

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Zhao Yunlan pulled Shen Wei to his side when he saw the sparkling eyes of Rong towards his wife. His nervously heart to face this god of fire becomes increasing to see the way Rong looked to his wife now. Shen Wei innocently frowning to see the way Zhao Yunlan pulled her to his side like her husband is in a jealousy state over someone. Unknowingly to Shen Wei that Zhao Yunlan knows the history of Rong's heart feeling over the previous ghost slayer about the centuries ago.

"What do you want to come here, Da Qing? You even brought them here too to see me. And who are they? I can sense the energies of ghost kings and Kunlun from them three now," Rong asked to Da Qing to see this guy who looked alike Kunlun pulled that girl like that when Rong knows that Kunlun is still in the palace to guard the dead bodies of ghost kings in the ice cubes.

"We are sorry to disturb you, Rong, the god of fire. Let me introduce them and I to you. I am Zhao Yunlan, Kunlun's reincarnation and chief of SID, Special Investigation Department. They both are the reincarnations of ghost kings. Ghost face named Shen Yezhun and ghost slayer named Shen Wei. But now Zhao Wei, my wife. They all are my staffs from SID unit. Lin Jing is our monk and scientist, Guo Changcheng is our intern, Zhu Hong is our snake girl who is Nuwa's descendant, Da Qing... Well, you know him. Kunlun's pet and now my pet. This guy is Chu Suzhi, my wife's subordinate for the underworld work. And also our SID ghosts, Wang Zheng and Sang Zhan inside my wristwatch since they can't come out during daylight without the special light from our SID unit," Zhao Yunlan introduced themselves to Rong while explaining for who are the real them in their lifes.

Rong's heart frustrated to know that this current ghost slayer is also belonged to the other and that person is the reincarnation of Kunlun. He still lost to Kunlun to get ghost slayer in his life. Whether the previous ghost slayer or the current one, both are belonged to Kunlun's soul fires. Rong sighs in frustration.

"So, what do you want from me to come here now?" Rong asked again, still in a mad face.

"Well, Kunlun asked me to come here to get a help from you to stabilize my soul fire on my left shoulder. He let Guanyin to reincarnate me with his only two soul fires and he used his left shoulder soul fire to let him staying in his palace till now. So, he asked me to get a help from you, Rong," Zhao Yunlan told.

Rong laughs to hear the explanation from Zhao Yunlan made all of them frown in confusion.

"He asked you to get a help from me? Did he tell you that I need a change for every help I will give to you, Zhao Yunlan?" Rong asked to confirm the deal made between this chief and his brother, Kunlun.

Zhao Yunlan nods admitted.

"Then, did you prepare the change?" Rong asked again.

Zhao Yunlan nods again.

"Do you know the change I want to help you soon? Did he tell you?" Rong still asked, unsatisfied when he saw Zhao Yunlan seems knew the change he wanted for the help he can give to this guy.

"I know it," Zhao Yunlan shortly replied.

"With you married her?" Rong stated with his mad.

"And impregnated her too," Zhao Yunlan added for his statement with his grinning, never scare of this god of fire or anyone around him.

"What?! Are you kidding me now to get a help from me when you know what I wanted the most, Kunlun's reincarnation?! And you are not scared of me now?!" Rong mad but still Zhao Yunlan grinned to him made the others worried to see the situation now.

"Why not? I married her because I love her the most. And you... I already prepared the best change for your help to me. And why should I scare of you? You are just the punished god who descended on the Earth world," Zhao Yunlan bravely said.

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