Chapter 25

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Shen Wei is now a consultant for the SID which just moved to this new city with a lot of weird people not only from the underworld but also from the tribes and deities. The special people like SID, Yezhun and Rong can recognize easily for who are the ghosts, tribes or deities in this city. But since the SID moved to here with Rong and Yezhun, no one know who are the real descendants of ghost kings like Dannie tried to find. Of course Zhao Yunlan and Rong sealed the powers of their babies now till they can know how to use the powers later on when they grown up.

"Wifey, Da Qing asked the lunch boxes order list for him to get those from Hun in Yezhun's cafe. What do you want to order for today lunch?" Zhao Yunlan interrupted Shen Wei's work now in their office room.

Since SID hired a consultant which is Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan put their consultant in his own office room. Of course he renovated his office room to make both the chief and consultant to be in the same office room. So, it's easier for Zhao Yunlan to tease his wife for the intimacy behind the back of his staffs. Why not, since they are in this new city, their works are a lot. The cases are a lot to be solved in this city. So, their intimacy time is limited at home now.

That's why Zhao Yunlan used the chances in their office room too for sometimes. So their office room is being the private room for them both and the staffs need to knock the door before entering to avoid any inappropriate seeing in that office room. And sometimes, Da Qing is being the intermediate to check on his master if the staffs need anything from his master when his master did the intimacy with his mistress in that office room. Poor Da Qing. He can't help to hear the inappropriate scene from his master and mistress when he is in his cat form.

"Just order whatever you ordered, Yunlan. I can't think of the meal now when my mind is full of these cases to be solved," Shen Wei replied while whining over the cases she read from the unsolved files on her desk.

"Alright! I will tell Da Qing now," Zhao Yunlan defeated to hear the next words from his wife when he knows his wife is a bit busy to analyse the unsolved file cases now.

Shen Wei drowned back in her reading and analysing for the cases in those files. She wonders for why did she never find any record about Yaqing, that crows tribe leader from the unsolved cases she read. Is she guessing wrong that Yaqing involved with Zillah before this and now she is not involved with any crime? Who is Yaqing to Zhujiu and Zillah? How can Zillah mutate the bats and crows if Yaqing didn't involve with Zillah? They sured the mutation bats and crows that they fought before were from Zillah's experiment for the trap towards the Buzou Mountain.

"Wifey, Lin got a trace of Yaqing now. Do you want to join us to trace her?" Zhao Yunlan suddenly barged into their office room with a good news that Shen Wei waited for these months of their works.

"Of course I want!" Shen Wei quickly replied.

Zhao Yunlan smiles and they hurriedly join the SID staffs to trace on Yaqing now. Zhao Yunlan drives his red hummer with Guo with them while Lin drives the other car with Chu and Zhu with him. Wang and Sang are left in the SID for anything related to work. They drive towards the graveyard made them frown to know that energy of Yaqing is there now. Why now when a few months they tried to trace her but failed? What is Yaqing's plan now?

"Is that her?" Guo asked as he saw a woman with the black feather cloak under the tree, facing one of gaves at there.

"Seem like her. But be careful and get ready for anything just in case she tried to escape," Zhao Yunlan replied and then he ordered to them all through the connection line phone in their cars.

Shen Wei gets off from the car as they reached to that graveyard. The other SID staffs follow Shen Wei towards Yaqing that they see didn't move from that grave. Zhao Yunlan holds his gun to get ready for the shoot if Yaqing tried to run from them. But to see Yaqing who didn't move for a little bit from that grave when they approached her, Zhao Yunlan feels weird like Yaqing willingly to confront with them.

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