Chapter 2

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Chapter two

  The protagonist of this book is not him, but his younger brother, Te'an.

  In other words, the person he thought was Te'an.

  After reading the plot, Eugene realized that the cute brother in his memory had actually died two years ago, and that the person who now existed in his brother's body was a time traveler.

  Obviously the characters of the time traveler and the original Te'an are not that similar.

  But everyone around him, including him, had always ignored all the abnormalities and didn't notice them at all.

  What's even weirder is that in the past two years, all the female insects who have met Te'an will be hopelessly obsessed with him and obey his words.

  In the past, he seemed to have been brainwashed. He admired the other party more and more, and even began to believe that without his younger brother, he could not achieve anything.

  Yes, Eugene once believed in his brother so wholeheartedly. So much so that after the Hasiu tribe threatened to start a war, he would follow Te'an's suggestion and take the initiative to be captured by the enemy, just to sneak into the opponent's warship and provide information to Te'an.

  Unfortunately, Te'an tricked him into participating in this mission just to put him in danger.

As the eldest son, Eugene originally had the first line of succession. But if he doesn't do anything, according to the plot, he will die here before long. Let Te'an's succession become a matter of course.

  Until the end, his parents had no idea and he had been a prisoner.

  I don't know that Te'an deliberately launched a sneak attack after receiving the information he provided.

  What's more, when the enemy's General Kaiou used Eugene's life as a bargaining chip to communicate with Te'an, Te'an deliberately ignored them.

  Te'an only told them that he died at the hands of the Hasiu clan. He was brutally killed by the general named Kaiou.

  His parents were devastated. The two races were completely at odds from then on, and the Zerg War began.

  After Eugene's death, Te'an, as the only remaining male prince, took over the throne in danger and soon succeeded to the throne and became the king of the Baz Zerg.

  After four or five years of brutal war, which spanned countless innocent Zerg corpses, Te'an finally unified the divided Zerg with his powerful harem and became the king of the Zerg.

  The plot ends here.

  Eugene closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and cursed for the first time in his life.

  A dove occupies a magpie's nest, greedy, ungrateful, and unscrupulous. How could such a shameless villain deserve to be so favored by fate? Is it just because he is the protagonist?

  Even leaving aside the conflicts between them. What the Zerg needs is reconciliation, not war at all. This damn time traveler has not only replaced his brother and designed to kill him, but he also knows how many people will be killed.

If my previous self believed him, it must have been controlled by the plot. Now that he is awake, there is absolutely no way he will let this happen.

  Eugene lowered his eyelashes. Although his emotions fluctuated in his heart, he never revealed too many emotions on the surface.

  He crushed the blue chip that could transmit information to Te'an directly between his nails, and then looked up outside the cell again.

  Silver hair and fair skin sometimes make Eugene look fragile like a delicate work of art, but at this moment when he raised his eyes, Eugene's light golden eyes, which had always been gentle and gentle, also It refracted cold and sharp light.

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