Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

  "...What's the meaning?"

  "Admiral, it's all my fault!"

  Ross said as he plopped down on the ground.

  "You were unwell at that time, and we were all in a panic. That Bart from the creep tribe," Rose mentioned this, and his expression turned into gritted teeth. "Took Eugene away while we weren't looking."

  "He has now...should have returned to Buzz's starship."

  Ross lowered his head and waited for a while before summoning the courage to look up at the admiral. Kaiou remained silent.

  This made him feel more guilty, so he had no choice but to open the tablet in his hand.

  You can even read news about Prince Baz's safe return.

  In the picture, a beautiful silver-haired female ran out when she saw Eugene from a distance, and threw herself into his arms. I'm afraid I'll cry with joy like that.

  Eugene also smiled softly, stretched out his arms to hug her, spun her around, and then put her down.

  The photo taken from outside is relatively far away, and it can only be seen that the heads of the two people are very close to each other.

Naya is almost a head shorter than Eugene. The two have exactly the same silver hair.

  His facial features are also the bright type that most men like. When he raises his head and talks to Eugene, his expression is vivid, and he looks particularly coquettish. Eugene also reached out to wipe his tears, lowered his head, and spoke to him in a low voice.

  Na Ya smiled and blushed, and then she kept holding Eugene's hand without letting go. The two of them looked very well matched.

  Then a tall military female appeared on the screen and patted Eugene on the shoulder.

  Hall occasionally engages in diplomacy, and some people will recognize him as a member of the Baz royal family, but Na Ya has always stayed in the palace, and basically no one knows.

  When Ross saw this scene, he also felt that Amy and Eugene must be lovers... and they seemed to be very close.

  He had finished watching the video, but the admiral kept looking at the tablet and remained silent.

  After struggling for a long time, Ross opened his mouth, not knowing who he wanted to comfort.

  "After all, he is a prince. With this status...actually, he must have..."

  Kaiou suddenly stretched out his foot and kicked the bed. The hospital bed banged against the wall.

  Rose trembled and immediately closed his mouth.

But then Kaiou laughed again.

  "After lying down for a long time, stretch your muscles."

  "..." Ross didn't dare to speak at all.

  "Rather than saying that Bart took him away, it's better to say that he ran away on his own."

  Kaiou smiled but began to pace around the room, stretching his muscles so hard that his bones made noise when he moved.

  "Since the Creepers have agreed to remain neutral, how could they dare to go back on their word so easily without his guarantee that Baz will fully protect them in the future?"

  "He had planned it a long time ago. What's wrong with his brain? He has been... from the beginning..."

  Kaiou paused, breathing up and down.

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