Chapter 10

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chapter Ten

  After Eugene walked in, he could see that the interior of the semicircular building was a spacious indoor space, surrounded by high-strength explosion-resistant materials.

  There is a competition arena in the center. The upper wall is also covered with an adjustable holographic projection layer, which can simulate various environments, create realistic buildings, roads, terrains and obstacles, and provide rich and diverse combat scenes.

There were many spectators sitting around the playing field. At this time, the simulated battle arena was full of people, most of whom were military females. It was bustling and very noisy.

  But almost as soon as Eugene walked in, the whole place fell silent for a moment.

  Although Eugene was wearing a mask, he searched around with his eyes as soon as he entered, then locked his eyes on the center stage and strode forward directly.

Such movements against the flow of people, coupled with his tall figure, superior eyebrows, conspicuous silver hair, and unique temperament...

  Almost all the female insects focused their attention on him.

  "who is he..."

  "How come there is a male insect sir that I don't know about??"

  "Still silver-haired, still like this..."

  "Ah, is this the man that Admiral Kaiou snatched back??"

  When Ross heard someone discussing this next to him, he almost fell down and coughed lightly on purpose. "Ahem, he's a prisoner."

  "He seems even more handsome than in the video."

  The surrounding military females all stared at Eugene with their eyes widened.

  "If I were as strong as Admiral Kaiou, would I be able to snatch such a handsome man??"

  Ross: "...I told you I was a prisoner!"

  Eugene walked to the front of the viewing platform and finally saw Kaiou above the center of the ring.

Behind him stood a virtual black mecha, obviously preparing to compete with another mecha.

  But Kaiou's face didn't look good.

  At this time, there is a special viewing cabin in mid-air.

  The furnishings inside are very luxurious, with a distinguished male insect Duke sitting on a soft leather sofa.

  His clothes were very expensive, he wore a lot of jewelry, and there were several beautiful girls kneeling or standing crowded around him to serve him.

  Max was in a good mood at this time because he liked such occasions.

  Appearing in public allowed him to display his wealth freely and be looked at with admiration and yearning by all the females. This greatly satisfied his vanity.

  Whenever the military females sitting below were whispering to each other and turning to look in his direction, Max would feel that the other party was expressing unrequited admiration for him.

  The corners of his mouth raised, but when he looked down, his eyes were full of arrogance.

  From his perspective, these ordinary soldiers looked like ants.

  Such a noble male insect, even if it only appears in their lives from afar, is destined to become the white moonlight that they will recall and savor throughout their lives.

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