Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

  Lin Yi's breathing was up and down, and he was sweating a lot.

  Fine drops of sweat accumulated on his muscular back, hanging on his red chin and soaked temples.

  Bai Ying's violent mental power appeared and disappeared, wrapping around Lin Yi like a storm.

  Lin Yi's overly tense spirit made Lin Yi have no other thoughts about what he was doing at this time. He only thought about speeding up the communication efficiency...

  When the state of Bai Ying's mental domain stabilized slightly and the chaotic mental power around him gradually disappeared, Lin Yi immediately stopped and slowly stepped back.

  I really can't stand it anymore.

  Everyone's spiritual picture is like a secret spiritual world that is parallel to the real world.

  The sentry's mental picture can overlap with reality, and the mental power is used to kill enemies and fight. Only the guide's mental picture can overlap with the sentinel's, and he can see in advance the storm that is about to break out, and then try to calm it down.

  The connection between him and Bai Ying is actually very superficial, but Bai Ying's spiritual realm is too terrifying. Just overlapping the edges a little made Lin Yi feel like he was going to be noisy to death, and his eyes felt like he was going to go blind.

  He had no intention of continuing to explore, so he decisively quit, almost grabbing his clothes and wanting to leave.

  As a result, Bai Ying held him down.

  Lin Yi's heart skipped a beat and he blurted out.

  "You can't kill me!"

  Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Bai Ying punched him in the face, smashing the rocks below.

  Lin Yi: "..."

  As the broken stones beside him fell sparsely, Lin Yi swallowed and continued:

  "If I die, your mental image will also be damaged..."

  He looked into White Eagle's amber eyes. "I left an anchor point in your mental picture."

  He knew that Bai Ying might turn against him and kill him with his backhand, so he made such an attempt. Even Lin Yi himself didn't expect that he would succeed.

It would have been very difficult to establish such a link with a Sentinel.

  No sentinel will allow others to leave anchors in his mental picture unless he trusts that person wholeheartedly and is completely undefended.

  Another possibility is that the guide's ability far exceeds that of the sentry and can forcibly destroy his mental barrier. Leave an anchor point so you can control him at any time.

  Their situation certainly does not fall into the latter category.

  In fact, this was purely an accident. It's entirely because Bai Ying just...well, it seems like he had a GC.

  Lin Yi felt it and tried it at that moment. Unexpectedly...

  Bai Ying, who looked at him, was stunned for a moment, and then he may have realized when he took advantage of the situation. His whole face suddenly turned red, and his expression became more and more angry.


  Lin Yi didn't dare to take his fist. He stooped and wanted to run away. Then Bai Ying pulled him back angrily and held him down with both hands.

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