Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

  Baiying pretended to resist for a while, but soon became quiet.

  His ears were red, and he couldn't restrain his reaction. In the end, he put his arms around Lin Yi's neck and took the initiative to kiss him.


  On the other side, Donald was a little worried. Lin Yi must have been away for too long.

  "Lin Yi?"

  He got up and went to find Lin Yi, calling him repeatedly in the complex and dark cave. A good warrior's intuition always makes him feel as if there is a sound ahead.

  "Are you here?"

  "...At this."

  Lin Yi originally hoped that he could leave on his own, but in the end he emerged from a fork in the road. "What's wrong?"

  Donald was relieved. "What are you doing here?"

  Lin Yi's expression paused and he didn't speak.

  Hey, is it his imagination? Why did he feel that Lin Yi's lips were redder.

  Donald was about to approach, but unexpectedly, Bai Lin also walked out from behind Lin Yi.

  "No, what's the matter with you?"

  Donald was stunned for a moment.

  It turns out that Bai Lin is back.

  Why is this guy still so hostile to him?

"Bai Lin, I didn't know you were so powerful before, and I apologize for ever slighting you. Your mental strength level is so high, you really should take part in the test of the White Tower, and I will welcome you to join."

  Donald felt that he took the initiative to apologize, which was very generous and manly.

  But who would have expected that Bai Ying glanced at him, his expression even more irritable than before, as if he thought he was in the way. He obviously wanted to say something unpleasant. But Lin Yi quickly turned around and patted him.

  This sentry who looked very arrogant and could kill pollutants with one blow showed at that moment an obedience that Donald had never seen before. He immediately calmed down and even gave him a reluctant hum.

  Donald: "..."

  Why do I suddenly feel that he is brighter than the lamp in my hand?


  Being interrupted like this, Lin Yi led Bai Ying back to the camp again and got into a tent.

  Donald's words actually gave Lin Yi a new direction of thinking. If Bai Ying could have a new identity, start a new life, and join the White Tower, that wouldn't be a bad thing.

  After all, the White Tower treats the sentries much more reliably than the Free Army. But this matter is too difficult. Bai Ying's identity will definitely be discovered.

  At that time, Lin Yi couldn't predict how the federation would deal with him, whether it would try to take advantage of his abilities, or whether it would detail the various crimes he had committed before and severely punished him...

  Bai Ying didn't think so much at this time.

  Although he had been angry for a whole day, he forgot about Lin Yi's kiss. He hugged Lin Yi and buried his face in his chest, like a big cat. It was a little shy to act coquettishly because of its big size and sharp claws , but he still carefully rubbed Lin Yi's chest with his temples. , and sniffed secretly between his neck. After playing for a while, he started to flick his tail. He was a little dissatisfied with Lin Yi's distraction.

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