Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

  Facts have indeed proved that no one is Kaiou's opponent.

  What Te'an brought over was Baz's most advanced warship, with first-class defensive capabilities, but Kaiou's red dot on the display screen was like a ghost, as if he was in an uninhabited land. These pirates were already in disarray without even fighting . They just wanted to flee in all directions and get out of here quickly.

  Te'an's expression changed, and he saw the right moment and got up from the ground. He also wanted to run, but then he was held down by Eugene again.

  Te'an shouted in panic: "What are you doing? Don't you run away!"

  "Why should I run?"

  "Ha, do you think he is here to save you?"

  Te'an's face was distorted and he laughed several times at Eugene. "There is no difference between him and these robbers. Whoever takes you away is the same."

  "Do you think he likes you? No, he just needs you."

  "Your sudden escape must have made him very distressed. Losing the prisoners and letting the negotiations fail would be the biggest stain on his political performance, but he only needs to take you and this warship away now. , I can get you and the military Merit of winning the first battle. What reason does he have not to do this!"

At this time, the red light inside the starship was flashing continuously, and the alarm was blaring. The exhausted Eugene exhaled and looked at Te'an's face, falling briefly into silence.

"We have a hostile relationship with Ha Xiu. Do you think it will be easy for him to enter this warship? He must not suffer losses or be injured! Use your brain to think about it. He went through so much trouble to get in .What is it for?"

  A twisted smile appeared on Te'an's face, and he looked at Eugene sarcastically.

  "How could it be just to help you?"

  "Okay, it doesn't matter, then let's wait together for him to find us." Te'an's face became even more distorted when he saw that Eugene was still unwilling to let go of him. "When the time comes, I will promise him that as long as he takes you away, when I become the king of Baz, I will also help him..."

  There was a sudden loud bang. Te'an stopped abruptly mid-sentence. The door outside was kicked open.

  A pirate was kicked out, his face turned pale and he hit the wall, and he fell down holding his stomach.

  Then Kaiou, wearing black armor, walked in with long legs.

  Eugene looked up at Kaiou, feeling that time seemed to slow down at that moment.

  Outside is a broken mechanical corridor, with pirates groaning in pain at their feet. The light in the cabin was bright and dim, illuminating the broken debris all over the place. There is also Kaiou's tall body and slender silhouette.

  His insect patterns lit up, forming his own black armor on his face and body. Eugene couldn't see his expression clearly for a moment.

  What Te'an said is not unfounded. If you think according to logic and interests, Kaiou will definitely act according to what Te'an said.

  However, in fact, Kaiou did not hesitate for a moment, strode to Eugene, knelt down on one knee, and immediately released him from his restraints.

"Who hurt you?"

  The armor on Kaiou's face automatically retreated, revealing his handsome face. He frowned and there was still blood on his body. He pulled the rope directly with his hands and looked at him with golden eyes.

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