Chapter 9

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Chapter nine

  On the other side, Kaiou finally gave up the strategy of keeping Eugene locked up.

  He loosened the handcuffs on Eugene's hands, tied only his right hand, and attached a chain, intending to fix it in a new place at any time.

But most of the time today, Kaiou just held this thing in his hand.

  Sometimes Eugene would feel his wrist being gently pulled up, which was because Keou wanted him to follow him.

  Eugene looked down at their hands for a while, and suddenly thought, Kaiou might as well just cuff their hands...

  "Ha!" When Qiao saw the chain, he simply clapped his hands in a strange way.

  "It is indeed forced/love. Xingwang never bullies me."

  "Am I also part of your play?"

  Kaiou's face darkened. "Shut up."

  "Admiral." At this moment, Ross suddenly ran over.

  "The communication from the cabinet just came in. They want you to go down again immediately."

  Keou looked impatient. "Say I'm not free."

  "No, it's because..." Ross glanced at Eugene. "Buzz contacted us."

  Keou paused. He also glanced at Eugene, then left the office briefly and went to answer the communication.

Eugene originally wanted to follow Kaiou, but an arm suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

  He frowned slightly and looked at Qiao.

  Joe's figure was relatively burly, with obvious muscles, slightly taller than him, and his clothes were more casual, revealing a small part of his chest.

  His eyes were more of a less transparent yellow-brown color compared to Kaiou's golden color, and the way he looked at him at this time also made Eugene very unhappy.

  The two were already close enough, but Joe suddenly took a step forward, and Eugene immediately took a big step back cautiously.

  Unexpectedly, Qiao was made to laugh out loud. "I'm really convinced."

  He gave Eugene a wink. "You only turn me on more."

  Eugene: "..."

  At this time, Kaiou had already gone out. Eugene had no choice but to spontaneously walk to the sofa and sit on it.

He originally thought that the matter was over, but after Qiao looked at him leisurely for a while, he walked towards him again and put his hands on his face.

  "Why do you say you are trying to please Kaiou? If you had used one-tenth of your efforts to please me, I might have let you out."

  Eugene stiffened for a moment, but remained silent.

  "What, you don't believe it?"

  "If I can't, I can always join forces with this guy."

  Joe suddenly looked at Ross who was sorting documents on the side. "How about it? You help me open the door of Kaiou's cabin tonight. I'll go in and steal this beautiful prince out, and then I'll give you half of it."

  Ross was stunned for a moment and frowned. "Please don't make such a joke."

  "Why, you don't want to monopolize it, do you? Then you have to think about whether you deserve it. For a man like this, ordinary people can't even get a piece of the pie. If you don't seize the opportunity when you come across it, there won't be this shop in this village. ”

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