Chapter 24

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After the call was sent, there was no answer for a long time.

  Eugene kept looking up and waiting, but the black warship just kept moving forward silently, getting smaller and smaller.

  Eugene's shoulders slumped.

  Doesn't Kaiou want to talk to him?

  Was it because he failed to handle Te'an's situation well, causing Kaiou's starship to be attacked, or was it because he deliberately used pheromones to suppress him before leaving... He went too far?

  The more Eugene thought about it, the more he realized that Kaiou actually had many reasons to be angry with him.

  He scratched his head and felt a little guilty when the soldier in charge of communications suddenly let out a surprised sound.

  "Isn't that Admiral Kaiou's mecha?"

  Eugene immediately raised his head, and sure enough he saw Kaou's handsome black mecha flying straight towards them. and sent a message of peace.

  Amy's eyes widened, and then she looked at Eugene with starry eyes.

  His brother is still awesome!

  Kaiou deliberately abandoned Hasuu's warship and came over with his mecha. The meaning is self-evident. Kaiou came here as his own identity, not as Hasiu's general.

  Ha Xiu had threatened to go to war before, but in the blink of an eye, Eugene had pried the opponent's strongest combat power into the corner. What else is there to fight for?

  A direct win.

Eugene was stunned for a moment, then turned around and walked out.

  "Your Highness?"

  Eugene turned around and said, "Let him come in."

  Amy covered her mouth and laughed. It turned out that I went directly to pick him up.

  Kaiou has never been so nervous when he got into the mecha.

  Growing up, he only liked training and fighting. As a genius among geniuses, training has never given Kaiou any difficulties. One point of investment can often get ten points of return, and that is the scene where he will always be able to master it with ease and full of confidence.

  But this time was different. This was the first time he fell in love with someone. Confessing love to Xiongzi... He had never done this kind of thing before.

  Seeing Baz's starship getting closer and closer, Kaiou sat up straight, his whole body extremely focused.

  Even when it was his first time on the battlefield, when the price of failure might be his life, he never felt like this, as if his palms were sweating.

  It wasn't until he saw that the opponent's starship had removed its protective shield and silently welcomed his arrival that Kaiou's shoulders relaxed slightly.

  But thinking about seeing Eugene soon, he sat up straight again.

  His mecha was only a little bigger than an ordinary small spaceship, and it quickly entered Baz's starship smoothly.

  The hatch opens.

  Kaiou adjusted his clothes, but his fingers were not very obedient. He could only clasp his hands, then press his neck again, and exhale, his expression even looked a little panicked.


  Eugene waited at the entrance. When he saw Kaiou walking in, he went to greet him. "Why are you here?"

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