Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

  Bai Ying's kiss was sudden and without any rules, as if she was holding his face and biting him.

  Lin Yi felt pain at first, then hurriedly pushed him. But Bai Ying is so tall and his arms are stronger than him. Lin Yi couldn't push it.

  "White Eagle?"

  Bai Ying is still aggrieved. "You pushed me!"

  "What are you doing?"

  "How do I know?" He paused for a moment, then his expression became very complicated, trying to make excuses. "You were the one who kissed me first before..."

  Lin Yi looked at his face, and his brain was still a little unable to react, so the two of them were interrupted.

  "What are you doing??"

  Conrad stood not far away, reaching out to support the stone wall, his eyes widened, and his expression looked even more frightened than Lin Yi, the person involved.

  Lin Yi was immediately embarrassed and took a step back. "No. It's nothing."

  Bai Ying looked at Lin Yi, lowered his head, his chest heaved, and then turned around and left for some unknown reason.

  "White Eagle?" Lin Yi called him in the mental picture, but he ignored him.

  Outside, the other sentries hurriedly made way for White Eagle, and no one dared to stop him. White Eagle quickly left without being seen.

  But Donald still couldn't recover from the shock. "What's going on? Why did he kiss you just now?"

  To be honest, Lin Yi didn't know either.

  "...Maybe he's angry."

  Donald: "Huh?" Can you kiss when you are angry? ?

  Donald's expression was so obvious that Lin Yi could only distract himself and try to explain. "It wasn't a kiss, he just bit me..."

  ? ? Why bite your mouth.

  Donald subconsciously looked at Lin Yi's lips.

Lin Yi's skin is very white, his eyebrows and eyelashes are very thick, his eyes are black and white, and even the color of his lips looks like he has applied a bit of natural lipstick. His lips are very beautiful in shape, slightly upturned when viewed from the side, smooth and plump when viewed from the front, and now they are slightly bitten by the white eagle, making them look even redder.

  Donald couldn't help but be absent-minded for a while. It wasn't until Lin Yi walked back to the team that he remembered the business.

  "And why is his mental power so high??"

  At this time, everyone in the team was also discussing the White Eagle's attack just now, and someone did mention the White Eagle of the Free Army.

  "Didn't it mean that his mental power would emit blue light?"

  "My body shape feels about the same. I'm in my early twenties, about 1.85 to 1.9 meters tall."

  "Is he the White Eagle??"

  Lin Yi was almost breaking into a cold sweat.

  "But isn't it said that White Eagle's mysophobia is very serious, so he should stay away from strangers and always wear a mask and gloves."

  "That's right. And I hate the guide."

  "He slept with Lin Yi last night."

  "Blue light is also common."

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