Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

  In the end, Ross was the first to raise his head. When he saw the admiral, he was stunned and immediately walked out.

  "Admiral, can I turn on the projection during the day?"

  There was no emotion on Kaiou's face, and he said, "Why."

  Ross lowered his head and considered. "There is nothing in the room... If this continues, I am worried that there will be problems with the prisoner's mental state."

  Kaiou looked at him silently for a while.

  "So what, I'm more concerned about why Buzz hasn't contacted us than his mental state."

  There is no reason for the Baz royal family to be worried about losing their prince.

  Kaiou almost considered whether he had caught a fake prince.

  It's a pity that Eugene's appearance is too superior. Even if we turn the entire galaxy upside down, we probably won't be able to find a substitute that can be as real as Eugene, making it impossible for anyone to doubt his identity.

  It's no wonder that this male is so attractive to bees and butterflies when he looks like this. He must have been used to being surrounded by all the female insects for a long time.

  Although Admiral Kehoe's expression looked the same as usual, after Ross followed him for a long time, he could still clearly feel that the admiral was a little unhappy.

  Ross looked ashamed. "I'm sorry Admiral, I'm going to investigate now."

  Eugene knew that the real reason was that Te'an deliberately blocked the news, but Ha Xiu still had no way of knowing.

  Ross said and took his leave. Kaiou went directly to the other side of the suite, slammed the door, and never came out again.

  The matter of watching the projection just ended like this.

  Eugene sighed inwardly.

Keou seemed angry. The rules here are indeed very strict, and no one can disobey Kaiou's orders.

  If he wanted to get out of here, he still had to get Kaiou to let down his guard, but unfortunately this seemed impossible.

  That night, something worse happened.

  The spacecraft made a slight tremor in Eugene's sleep and stopped, proving that they had reached Hasu's central satellite group.

  In the morning, Kaiou entered his room and worked directly on the wall to install an extra refrigerator in his room. Once opened, everything is filled with sealed liquid food.

  Ross struggled for a long time, followed by the admiral and whispered: "Lock him here alone...Does it really matter?"

  Kaiou's expression was particularly cold. "If you don't keep him alone, something will happen."

  Eugene didn't understand, but he was still a little panicked. My head poked out of the refrigerator door.

  "Where are you going?"

Kaiou checked the amount of food inside with a cold face and ignored him again.

  Seeing that Kaiou turned around and was about to leave, Eugene pretended to be anxious and wanted to catch him. But he avoided her again, and in the end she could only watch him go away helplessly.

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