Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

  Kaiou didn't know what was wrong with him.

  He swore that he originally thought he might be cold. Because when all the females around him began to circle around the males, he never had any interest in the males.

  He didn't even suffer much during the previous fever period, and he could suppress it with just medicine.

  That's why he took the risk and didn't take suppressive drugs last time, but it happened to be the last fever period, and his feelings were completely different.

  Eugene's presence was something he couldn't ignore at all, attracting his attention like a ball of light.

  His touch was electric, his breath was fragrant, and every word, every movement, and every expression he made seemed to be stepping on his heart with precision. Make his body seem to be out of his own control.

  Angry and angry, Kaiou tried to lock up Eugene himself, but if Eugene was out of his sight, things would be even worse.

  The sky is dark, the water is bitter, the clothes are scratchy, and the voices of everyone talking make him feel irritated. Once he thinks that he doesn't know what Eugene is doing now, Kaiou becomes even more anxious. Want to go crazy.

  Then that creep guy actually dared to touch Eugene. Thinking about it now, Kaiou still wanted to hit him.

  In fact, by the time Qiao came to attack him, he could no longer hold on. So when Eugene touched him later, he immediately entered the fever period.

Although the fever was forcibly interrupted later, Kaiou always felt that the feeling at that time still had a lingering effect and stayed in his body.

  Normally he might not feel it, but as soon as he got close to Eugene, he felt as if he was in a fever period, and his whole brain was not right...

  But at this time, Kaiou looked at Eugene's face and still couldn't say that he wanted Eugene to kiss him and sleep with him.

  He could only reach out and grab Eugene's wrist. After holding it in for a long time, I finally said something.

  "You shouldn't be keeping a close eye on me."

  Eugene looked at him. "Tightly guarded?"

  "...After all, I am Ha Xiu's general."

  Eugene looked at him for a while, then suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and moved closer to him.

  "Then I tie you to the bedside?"

  Keou's face turned redder.

  His previous behavior was indeed a bit confusing. How could he not tell that he liked Eugene?

  Kaiou stood there with a red face for a long time, but said: "Tie him up."

  Eugene smiled, stopped teasing him, and took Kaiou back to his room. "Then just sleep here."

  But he just let Kaiou sleep beside him and did not tie him up.

  After Eugene finished washing, he lay down on the bed, closed his eyes, and prepared to sleep.

  Instead, Kaiou beside him was tossing and turning.

  He hesitated for a while, but finally turned around and looked at Eugene.

  Eugene's silver hair and profile look as beautiful as a ball of moonlight at night.

  Kaiou stretched out his hand under the quilt, and his fingertips lightly touched Eugene's hand. His heartbeat quickened, and then he slowly took Eugene's fingers in his hand.

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