Chapter 48 - End of Arc 2

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Chapter 48

  Lin Yi's smile was very shallow, but it was inexplicably dazzling.

  The teacher was a little stunned. He couldn't help but think of the last time he saw Lin Yi. He was still worried that the young man he had always admired would never recover from this.

  At that time, the light in Lin Yi's eyes seemed to disappear, and his whole person became gray and gloomy. He was plagued by self-blame and external criticism, as if he had countless thorns wrapped around his body and a heavy stone on his back. He could no longer use his hands and feet or raise his head and chest.

  Not everyone can stand up again from the blow of fate. But Lin Yi did it.

  Not only did he regain his previous look, he also seemed to be like a piece of polished jade, becoming more low-key and restrained as the brilliance circulated.

  "I went to ask for you. Your previous results are still valid. You are still an outstanding graduate of the White Tower, and you are already eligible to join the Federation."

  But the teacher actually hoped that Lin Yi could continue his studies with him and join a research project.

  But before he could say much, Donald ran over and excitedly patted Lin Yi on the shoulder.

"Lin Yi! I knew you were not simple."

  This is an S-class guide. Donald was so greedy.

  In fact, he knew in his heart that with Lin Yi's ability, he would probably form his own team soon. After all, his decision-making ability is obvious to all, and coupled with the combination with Bai Ying, his combat power is also a ceiling. But this does not prevent him from being shameless and hoping to cooperate with Lin Yi once.

  "You agreed to join my team, but you have to go on at least one mission with me."

  The teacher quickly interrupted. "Lin Yi, with your results, you can definitely take the scientific research route."

Lin Yi, with your results, you can definitely take the scientific research route."

  Donald said: "No, no, that's because you haven't seen what his mental power can do."

  "You don't know how great his results were back then."

  The two actually argued for a few words, almost saying that the federation could not change without him. Lin Yi was so embarrassed that he praised them and interrupted them hastily. They all looked at Lin Yi.

  "...I am interested in continuing my studies."

  Before the teacher could smile, Lin Yi continued: "But the first thing I want to do now is to find the headquarters of the Free Army and rescue all the guides imprisoned there."

  Lin Yi't expected at first that the butterfly wings he fanned would have such a big change in the plot. It might have taken Donald several years to bring Herbert to justice after White Eagle's death.

  Now that White Eagle is with him and Herbert is dead, the once arrogant Free Army has almost turned into an empty shell.

  However, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. To reach the ending of the plot, the Free Army must be completely disbanded and all the previously imprisoned guides must be rescued.

  Lin Yi felt that he was somewhat responsible for this, and he had seen the plot. He already knew many secret levels and could definitely help them.

  Donald was very surprised when he heard him say this.

  "How did you know they imprisoned the guide."

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