Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

  There was silence in the dark cave. Because Bai Ying was in poor condition, the place where he slept was actually some distance away from other people.

  Everyone felt that he didn't like taking guidelin. No one wanted to mess with him when he was in a bad mood.

  But even so, Bai Ying's face immediately turned red when he heard what Lin Yi said.

  He stretched out his hand to push Lin Yi away. But his strength is incomparable to when he kills pollutants.

  The two people were very close to each other, and Lin Yi held him down with all his strength, sweating a little again.

"I have to give you some guidance today, otherwise you will definitely go berserk."

  "If you want to die, don't hold me back!"

  When Lin Yi said this, Bai Ying looked at his expression with some doubts.

  Lin Yi guessed correctly.

  White Eagle is really used to being on the verge of going berserk. His head was buzzing for a long time, and extreme negative perceptions filled his five senses, making it impossible for him to think clearly. So much so that he himself lost his accurate judgment of the limit.

  But as a bystander, Lin Yi could always see clearly... When he mentioned death, Bai Ying's expression went blank.

  When he mentioned that he would be discovered, his body trembled slightly.

  This is not a normal reaction.

  The spoiler book said that White Eagle was raised by the Free Army since he was a child. I have never experienced a normal childhood and education at all.

  As long as Lin Yi made a little guess, he could imagine how the Free Army could train him as a humanoid weapon.

  They only instilled the tenets of obedience and not disobeying orders, as well as a large amount of killing training, into his mind, but ignored everything else.

  Therefore, in Bai Ying's subconscious, the various dogmas given to him by the Free Army even overwhelm the human instinct to avoid death.

Perhaps the most important of the dogmas is that you cannot have contact with the guide.


  Bai Ying still shook his head. "Don't touch me."

  Lin Yi spent so much effort holding him down. He was feeling hot and angry at the moment, and his patience had already been exhausted. "Do you really want them to find you?"

  He stretched out his hand and pressed the white eagle's beak firmly, "Don't say anything, and no one will know."

  "It won't be like last time..."

  "Let's just hold each other..." Lin Yi felt a little hot when he said this, and hesitated before continuing. "Kiss me all night long."

  It's still somewhat effective.

  When Bai Ying heard what he said, his ears turned even redder.

  "I don't want...!" He struggled slightly, but was held down by Lin Yi again, and then trembled.

  The two of them were close to each other, and Lin Yi noticed that although Bai Ying had been struggling, he had already reacted...

  Lin Yi was stunned.

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