Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

  A dazzling light shone outside the cave.

  The one holding the lamp was indeed Jin Hu.

  He had always had doubts about the relationship between Lin Yi and Bai Ying, and it was only a matter of time before he discovered it.

  The main reason was Bai Ying's reaction, which was too abnormal.

  Everyone knows that Baiying hates physical contact, and it has reached the point where everyone is afraid of it.

  He is always fully armed and dressed in white, but his face seems to be covered by a dark cloud. He almost never speaks, and his only action is to kill people. It really looks like a machine.

  No matter who comes to him, he will even breathe softly subconsciously. I'm always worried that I'll offend him.

  But recently, Bai Ying has become much more relaxed, has expressions when speaking, and sometimes doesn't even wear gloves.

  He even took the initiative to hold Lin Yi's hand to climb the rock just now. This didn't seem like he had any grudge.

  At that time, he was talking to Donald. Although Bai Ying and Lin Yi were hiding in the dark, when he looked back, he still saw the two people secretly holding hands.

  After Jin Hu thought about it for a moment, he felt that this matter was really strange.

  He naturally didn't expect that Lin Yi had a book in his head. Knowing that Bai Ying would go berserk, he was so bold as to go up and kiss him.

Instead, he felt that the two of them acted like they had known each other for a long time.

  Even when Lin Yi bumped into Bai Ying inexplicitly at the beginning, he was suspicious. After all, it would be someone else. Bai Ying might have kicked the person out long ago.

  This is a big deal, and a very bad deal.

  The organization does not allow White Eagle to approach any guides. This is the first rule that always applies to any task.

  Ensuring this is also the most important task for everyone who is on the same team as White Eagle. If this matter happened under his supervision, it would definitely be a punishment he couldn't bear, and he might even lose his life.

  So Jin Hu's first reaction was to suppress this matter and not let the headquarters know about it.

  He had been in the Free Army for so long and had finally climbed to this position. How could he fall short!

  Jin Hu thought about it carefully before speaking.

  "Bai Ying. The headquarters strictly prohibits you from approaching the guide. If this matter is discovered, you must be aware of the consequences."

  "Of course...I don't want to see you punished so severely. I can pretend that I don't know about this matter, but you must stay away from this guide immediately, and you must never have anything to do with him again. s contact."

  Lin Yi looked at Bai Ying.

  Bai Ying's face was a little white, and a layer of goosebumps instantly appeared on his skin, and even his fingers were trembling very slightly.

Lin Yi didn't know how deep the Free Army controlled Bai Ying, but it was inevitable that his heart sank and he subconsciously let go of him.

  Jin Hu pretended to be sincere, and even came up to grab Lin Yi and pulled him away from Bai Ying.

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