Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

  Ross and the others found the doctor and were about to take him away, but were stopped by Bart at the door.

  "What are you doing?"

  Bart was filled with suspicion when he heard that their Admiral Kehoe needed a doctor. "I'm afraid you are not abusing His Highness Eugene."

  Ross was very angry. "Instead of accusing us of this, you might as well ask Baz what the evil-minded His Highness Te'an means!"

  "He came to negotiate in name, but in private he tried to kill his own brother."

  Bart was shocked when he heard what he said. "How can it be!"

  But thinking about it carefully, after he had a conflict with Admiral Kaiou in the afternoon, His Highness Te'an found him again, and his attitude at that time did make him feel a little weird.

  No way…

  Bart was shocked and insisted on going to see the situation for himself.

  He had doubts about what Ha Xiu said, but in his heart he was inexplicably willing to believe His Highness Eugene.

  That group of people were rushing back.

  Eugene and Kaiou were still in the room.

  No matter how dull Eugene is, he now understands that Kaiou has entered a fever period.

  Logically speaking, he should avoid this situation.

  Eugene's ears also turned red, and he felt very sorry for what he had just done.

  "Kaiou..." He stretched out his hand to push Kaiou away.

  But Kaiou lowered his head and still took the initiative to lean against him.

  His body temperature was very high, his strong chest rose and fell with his breathing, and the hair on his forehead was almost wet with sweat. His head was always leaning on Eugene's shoulder, and he even reached out to wrap his arms around his waist .

Because he grabbed Qiao's knife with his hand just now, Kaiou had a wound on his hand.

  But he didn't seem to feel the pain at all at this time. Instead, he grabbed Eugene's clothes hard, leaving a little blood mark on his back.

  The young man's clothes were pulled tightly, revealing his broad shoulders and narrow waist. The originally fair neck now looked a little red due to embarrassment.

  "Kaiou?" Eugene's fingers pinched Kaiou's shoulders, trying to push him away again, but accidentally met his golden eyes.

  Kaiou's raised face was very red, and his eyes were filled with dense, hot, and flowing gold, which gave off a faint light in the night.

  He saw Kaiou looking at him intently, sniffing him subconsciously, his eyes a little out of focus, like a person in the desert thirsting for water, getting closer and closer to him.

  "Kaiou..." Eugene's Adam's apple rolled and he lowered his eyes to look at Keou's face. "Hold on a little longer."

  Kaiou didn't answer, but just focused his eyes on his lips.


  Eugene ducked back slightly, while Kaiou slowly moved forward.

  "It is estimated that there will be..."

  The distance between the two people narrowed, and their warm breaths blended.


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