Note :)

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Sorry guys if you thought this is something. I just wanna tell you guys how much that 1,035 reads you gave this story. It is actually my first time publishing a story here in Wattpad and it's really difficult to cope up with the new stuff they offer here. Back in my previous writing site, it was really.... should I say 'unfathomable' ( Unfathomable for being in between positive and negative )? It was really easy to get reads and stuff and THIS very story is my most favored story in that particular writing site. So, I just wanna thank all of you, even though THIS story was very low in your standards of story. The introduction of the story... I got it from that writing site. It was their usual way of writing their introductions there and I kind of got influenced by them. So, THANK YOU for trying my story and I hope I didn't disappoint you by any means. I can show you my progress on the writing site I am talking about. I am not to brag or anything. I am just showing a proof. ( Look in the Multimedia ) You can just "right click" the picture and view image then zoom it :)

Thanks to all of you guys! Even though I don't recieve comments :'(((

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