Chapter 7

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Jennifer's POV.

When he kissed me forcefully,  my heart shattered into pieces.

I thought he changed.

He glared at me and said, "You're mine. Only mine, Jennifer."

That made my heart shatter more into pieces and it made me ran to my bedroom crying.

I realized Alex haven't got my phone since I arrived at this hell hole.

He's so stupid.

I grabbed my cellphone and scanned the contacts then, in a matter of minutes, I found Karla's number.

I called Karla and she quickly answered.

"Hello? Who's this?" Karla asked.

Girl please.

Why didn't you even checked the caller ID?!

"This is Chuck Norris." I said.

"OMG! Chuck Norris! I'm your number one fan! I love you!" She freaked out.

"Idiot! It's just me Jennifer." I chuckled.

"Jennifer! Why'd you do that?! Wait, what?! Jennifer? Is that you?!" She exclaimed.

"Yes. This is me. How've you been?" I asked.

"Where in the world are you?! We miss you so much!" She said.

"You don't know how I miss the both of you, Gabbie and you." My tone lowered.

"As much as I've wanted to stay and talk to you, I still have homework and projects to..." I cut her by saying wait.

Know why?

Alex entered the room.

He was furious.

Before I knew it, he slapped me which made me scream in pain.

Karla started screaming on the other side of the phone asking if I am okay.

"Who are you talking to?! Answer me!" Alex shouted at me.

"N-no one, A-Alex." I stuttered in fear.

He suddenly grabbed my phone and said, "Then, who is this?!" He glared at me.

"M-My friend." I said.

He gave me an evil glare and in a matter of seconds, BAM! My phone was crushed into pieces.

He broke it with his bare hands.

My eyes grew wider than my palm.

I can't believe he did that to my poor cellphone!

I jumped up from my bed and pushed him out of the way.

Why did I ran away?

I am hurt, tremendously hurt.

Not only on the outside, but also on the inside.

I will admit it now. I love Alex.

Even though he is hurting and abusing me, I fell in love with him.

I don't know if he do....


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