Chapter 22

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Jennifer’s POV.

“Hey Jen,” Mason’s voice boomed out of nowhere.

“Oh! Hey there, Mason!” I giggled.

What was he doing here?

“What are you doing here?” I asked confused on why he was here this early.

“Can I ask you something?” He stated.

I nodded and flashed him a smile.

“Would you like to go with-“

He was cut off by Alex walking in the kitchen with a very unpredictable look on his face.

“She’s not coming with you and that’s final,” he grumpily said.

What’s with this grumpy old man?

Why was he suddenly all so protective of me?

Last week, he was so attached to Kelli and now he wanted me?


“I believe Jennifer has the right to choose. Am I right Jen?” Mason smirked.

Alex shot Mason the ‘oh so famous look of his’ and glared at him.

“Go to your room,” he sternly commanded me.

Of course I went to my bedroom.

This would be one in a million free time for me.

Thinking too much, I fell in trance with my sleep and soon drowned with darkness taking over me.


Alex’s POV.

Can’t Mason understand the sentence, ‘Stay away from her’?

Had he grown that stupid over the years?

“You better not come here anymore because you’re trying too hard to get Jennifer when she’s all mine. Didn’t hear it? Mine,” I stated.

“How pathetic of you. Yours? Jennifer is yours? As I have heard about the human law, being a property was never practiced. So, how come you are assuming that Jennifer is yours? She was never yours,” Mason smirked.

What Mason said angered me.

How dare he say that to me?

In the very first place, I bought Jennifer and in my world, she’s mine.

Before I knew it, I already had Mason pinned on the floor with anger running through my veins.

In spite of my anger, he was just lying there having the smirk planted on his face.

Seriously, what is so wrong with this man?

I was about to punch him when suddenly, I heard a provoking scream coming from one of the rooms.

You’re a lucky bitch I didn’t punch you.

When I stood in front of the door…


Jennifer’s POV.

Lucrezia, one of the maids, abruptly shook me without any particular reason.

I guess.

Boy I was wrong, she was also shaking in fear as she shook me wildly.

“What’s wrong Lucrezia? Is there anything I can help you with?”

I looked at her with worry in my eyes.

“It’s… It’s your daughter, Rose! She’s…She’s not in her room! She had been taken away!” She announced to me.

My daughter is missing?

How come?

I just placed her in her bed and in all of a sudden she’ll be gone?

“You can’t just joke like that, Lucrezia.”

I didn’t bother to look back and wait for her reply instead; I went straight to Rose’s bedroom.

Lucrezia was right, Rose was missing.

I started to breathe heavily and uttered an irritating scream which probably shook the whole house.

Rose can’t be gone.

She can’t be.

Rose’s the only thing that was left in my life to keep me glued together.

How could this be?

Suddenly, something caught my eye.

It was writings on the wall.

Dear beloved Princess, if you’re wondering where your precious daughter is, well then, she’s with me. Want her? Get her. I want to see you crawl and die right in front of my feet pleading for mercy. See you then! We’ll see each other in front of my castle. Take care, my Princess.

That bitch has my child?!

“What’s happening here?!” Alex’s voice came out of nowhere.

“She’s…gone. Our daughter is…gone,” I said with a lifeless voice.


Alex’s POV.

I will find that witch and make sure she dies in front of me.

How dare she kidnap my daughter?!

“I assure you Jennifer, we will find her. Promise.”

I kissed Jennifer’s forehead and brought her back to her room.

You will pay for this Victoria.

Oh yes, you will.

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