Chapter 26

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Alex’s POV.

Never had I imagine that this would happen. Never. Seeing my childhood friend die in just a matter of seconds broke my heart. What made it more painful was that Jennifer was crying hysterically and I don’t even know what to do. Everything was pure silence and it was slowly killing me. I decided to carry her out of the place and directly bring her back to her real home.

Seeing her tear stained face made it more difficult to concentrate on what I was doing.

When we arrived back to her parent’s home, the guards didn’t mind us entering, so I just gracefully and carefully brought her inside. There was a spare room for her which was really meant for her. It was quite amazing how Jennifer’s parents were so updated with her life that even her room’s furniture change as the time pass by. Being away from their daughter must be so difficult for them. I cautiously laid her down on her bed trying not to wake her up or make even a single noise.

The wind embraced my body as the goose bumps made its way to my skin. It was quite peaceful out here compared to the city. I could actually feel the nature enfold you with its warm surroundings and beautiful animals that could make you feel like you belong. As I sat here beside this immense window, I concernedly watched the beauty of Jennifer as the wind blew her hair making it fall over her shoulders. The mesmerizing beauty of hers made me think of what possible ways I could do to enlighten her feelings. She was totally heartbroken by the thought of Mason turning into ashes.

What can I do?

Just as I was about to give up, I suddenly recalled what the elders were always talking about in terms of bringing up someone back to life. His name was Zakkarias. He was a hermit living on a distant mountain off the east. It was said that he was once a very mighty being having the combined forces of the vampires, werewolves, and other enchanted creatures. Then he chose to be alone to avoid mischief and contention. I just hoped to find him as soon as possible.

I decided to do my matters at tomorrow’s dawn. In fact, it would be a waste of energy if I did it tonight. The old man must be sleeping.

I really pitied Zakkarias. He was very lonesome in his late age. No one knows who his real family was. All he did in his whole life was to protect and create equilibrium between the human race and us, the underworld creatures. Wasn’t it very heartbreaking? Well, I can’t imagine life without a family beside me to support me, care for me, and most of all, love me for who I am. Some people were just too good to risk their own lives just for the benefit of the whole population. He has true dedication.

The dawn approached quickly as I had expected which means, I need to quickly act before the night hits. I wouldn’t want to see the ire on Jennifer’s face before the week end. I need to finish everything as soon as possible. Leaving a peck on her forehead, I scurried down to Rose’s room and did the same.

As I ran going to the hermit’s home, I could hear leaves and twigs crunching and breaking under the weight of my foot. Animals bustled their way to their den leaving only I and the wind going to one direction. It was quite bothering since I was here all alone, nothing to accompany me through my jaunt or should I say… adventure?

Jennifer should just wait and see. I will remove the grief from her gorgeous face.

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