Chapter 4

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Jennifer's POV.

I woke up with Alex still wrapping his arms around me.

Why does he care about me this much?

"Good morning beautiful." He snapped his eyes open.

I smiled and tried to escape from his grip but he just tightened it.

"Ouch! Alex, I still have those bruises!" I glared at him.

"Sorry..." He apologized.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom to change my clothes.

Alex was still on my bed staring at the ceiling.

When I left the bathroom, his eyes went on mine.

I quickly moved my eyes away from his to avoid hypnotism from his eyes.

"I, uhm, going to the market to buy some meat for you and some vegetable for me." I said.

"I'll go with you." He insisted.

"Yeah. Sure. If you insist." I said.

We left the room and headed to the garage to get the car.


We arrived at the market and everything were different for me or different from what I had expected.

I turned at Alex and he was scanning the place.

I pushed his shoulders angrily and asked him, "Answer me honestly! Where the fuck are we?! This is way too different from America!"

He chuckled and answered, "We're in some of the hidden places in the Americas where there are only few population. This is not too different from the city, Jennifer."

I rolled my eyes and mumbled, "Whatever."

What caught my eye is a certain, or maybe a single pen.

It's similar to Shakespeare's pen.

But what was labeled there is that, it is one Shakespeare's pen and is a collector's item.

"OMG! I sthat Shakespeare's pen?!" I exclaimed.

I walked to a certain stall which they sell things for poeple who loves journalism and literature.

I collected thing relatively or Shakespeare's things and the last one I need to collect is Shakespeare's pen.

I've been searching for ages for Shakespeare's pen and it's just here?!

Suddenly, Alex walked behind me and he asked me, " Do you want me to buy that for you?"

He startled me by his voice.

"Oh! No! I was just admiring this thing. Please don't mind me." I said before putting back the pen.


Alex's POV.

I was scanning the place when I saw Jennifer exlaimed because of a pen.

Maybe she's fond of collecting things liek pen?

Who knows? 

I walked towards her and asked her if she wanted me to buy the pen for her but she shook her head.

Anyways, your mind tells something more different than what you spoke.

She walked away going to a souvenir shop.

Without her noticing, I bought the pen and told the man, who was selling the pen to wrap it and place it in a box.

I payed and followed Jennifer.

You're so gonna love this.


"Hey! Let's buy the meat and your vegetables now!" I yelled from my spot which caught her attention.

She ran to me and we raced to the meat shop which obviously, I won.

We bought all what we need and headed back home.


Jennifer sunk in the couch with sweats all over her body.


She quickly snapped her eyes closed and she almost fell asleep when I interrupted her.

"Hey. I wanna give something to you." I said.

She opened her eyes quickly and looked at me.

"What is it? You just interrupted my sleep." She said.

"This." I handed her the box which she confusedly accepted.

"What is this?" She asked.

"Just open it. No more questions." I said.

When she finally opened the box, her eyes widened and her face litted up.

"Oh. My. Gosh. Alex. Did you just bought this?! OMG! Thank you! Thank you!" She exclaimed.

She ran to me and... kissed me?

DUHH, I kissed back which I really enjoyed.

After a few minutes she pulled back and said, "I won't regret being here, Alex. Thank you so much. Even though I'm just your slave to say this but you really changed."

Did I really changed because of her?




I hope you liked it.

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