Chapter 17

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Zanna's POV.

I packed all my bags for my flight later to United States.

My body is all hyped up because I am going to see Mason.

He lights up my world and whenever he's not around, I feel lonely and useless.

That's how important he is to me.

Anyway, I'm really excited and I can't wait to see him.


Jennifer's POV.

It's been a week since that thing happened.

I've been a huge wreck and I can't stop crying even for a single moment.

My memories just came back but why did he welcome me back with his cheating shit?

"Stop crying Jenny. I think he's also pressured like you. You shouldn't be crying because you are strong. Vampires do not cry darling," Mason said.

"Now you have seen a vampire crying. I've made a history!" I tried to keep myself happy.

He suddenly hugged me tight and whispered, "Stop it now. He's not worth it." 

Suddenly, the door opened and there stood a girl around my age.

"Hello? Is someone home?" She called out.

Luckily the light are off so she couldn't see us.

We quickly stood up and brushed ourselves.

Mason turned the lights on and when he turned it on, he was shocked.

"Z-Zanna?!" He stuttered.

Who's that girl?

"Mason! You're alive!" She ran towards Mason and gave him a giant bear hug.

"Ehem," I interrupted.

"Oh! So, you must be...?" She raised her eyebrows.

"She's Jennifer, my uhm...friend. She's the mother of Alex's daughter," Mason introduced me.

"Oh! Nice to meet you! I'm Zanna by the way, Mason's best-" She was interrupted by Mason.

"My girlfriend."

What's going on here?

"I know how you feel Mason. She's your best friend but you insisted that she's your girlfriend because you love her! Haha!" I laughed.


"Good luck with her!" I winked and walked off.


Mason's POV.

Jennifer totally made me feel embarrassed in front of Zanna.

But she really did a great job in making the situation more awkward.

"So, are we you know? A couple?" I blushed in embarrassment.

She intertwined her fingers with mine as she blush in the moment.

I spun her around and lifted her chin with my two fingers.

"I love you, remember that." After I said that, I kissed her slow and passionate.

I've been waiting for this to happen in a few years.


We got separated by the wolf and vampire war few decades ago.

She was kidnapped by the wolves to a place where I couldn't reach her.

I had my hopes up for many years, waiting for her to come back but she didn't.

All I thought was she's already dead because the wolf pack are not really safe mostly to vampires.

Then, she just came here today, surprising me and made my heart jump with gladness.

She's still the same who always give me surprises when we're still little kids.

Luckily, she's here with me now, safe and sound, and I don't have to worry anything concerning her.

What's important is that she's here with me and we're together now.


Jennifer's POV.

I tried to keep that humor a while ago but it didn't really succeed.

My emotions were really present especially loneliness.

How could that bastard do this to me?

The only person who could make me happy is my baby, Rose.

I walked to her room and knocked but no one answered.

She will usually open it or say 'come in' but I heard nothing.

I busted the door open and revealed that she wasn't there at all.

Her bed is fixed and her toys are all placed in the toy box.

Fear started to burn inside me.

You know this mother and vampire instincts could usually drive me crazy.

But then, I found a note carefully folded and was placed in an envelope.

I grabbed it and slowly opened it.

A note was there and this was stated:

"I have our daughter, Jennifer. 

So if you want to see her, go to my house and stay with me. 

You will not go here with Mason or any other person. Understand?

Pack your bags if you ever decided to go here because you'll be my slave again.


Now he dared to kidnap my daughter?

How psychotic he is!

For the sake of my daughter, I will go to Alex's house and leave the love birds here.

I packed my bags and carried it downstairs without making any noise.

"Goodbye Mason," I mumbled.

Time to go and make my life a living hell again with Alex.


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