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        Everything was back to normal now. Never had I imagined that everything will turn out this way. I even noticed the changes with myself. I was never that cold-hearted bastard who treated Jennifer badly. Sometimes I ask myself how come I could do that to her, but with all the twist of events, I fell in love with her deeply. Just like the sun that was back from the unpredictable events of night to shine again.

        With her silky black hair dancing with the wind, she gracefully made her way down the stairs and locked her eyes on me. We have been doing this for the past few years of our life, just tenderly loving each other. As she approached me, she slowly entwined her delicate arms around my neck and looked at me in the eye. Something in those eyes was aching to be noticed.

        “Good morning baby,” I uttered as I held her by her waist, letting her know that she’s secured around me, “care to have some breakfast? I made some for you.”

        “Sure baby. It would be very much appreciated,” she giggled as the colour of crimson crept all the way up to her cheeks.

        “Whatever you want babe.”

       I made her a Caesar salad dressed with olive oil and whole kernel corn topped with tomatoes and cucumber, all together with French toast and milk. This is a great way to start a day full of memories ahead of us. Eating fresh food would give anyone an age defying look like me, which I actually am a vampire who never grows old.

        Placing her plate and utensils on the table, I vaguely noticed Jennifer tangling her hands on the chest, hugging me. She was breathing calmly while her head clung freely on my back. I never thought that this day would come. A day where everything is normal and in place. How could I even hurt such a precious person like her – unique and one in a million? I suppose all of those must be a trial for her patience, and for me, a trial of trust.  Surely, I will never let go of this girl again. Never.


         “I’m so tired babe,” Jennifer rested her head on my shoulder, making it a little more romantic.

        “Why is it so?” I asked her.

         “My body is so sore and everything seems to hurt.”

        She pouted her lips which made her more attractive.

        The truth behind her body pains is the fact that we had a boating trip to the nearest lake in our house.  Together with Rose, we had a picnic on the boat accompanied by peaceful music. We looked like a happy family, enjoying our lives together. This was one of the things I never experienced when I was still a human. My parents usually quarrel and I would end up watching them. I am the type of person who never experienced true happiness.

        Being a vampire did not change the fact that I was lonely. It brought me more loneliness due to the fact that I live alone in a humongous house. I lived separately with my adoptive vampire parents. I never wanted to bring them closer to any of my lonesome life. They tried to ask me about my past but I never gave an answer. Even though I also had a lot of girlfriends, flings, and better yet, friends, I never once in my life had been as happy as I am right now with my own family. They gave me the reason to bring the smile back into my once lifeless face.

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