Chapter 24

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Jennifer's POV.

We all wandered inside the forest trying to find that evil bitch.

Troupes of soldiers also helped us searching and wander around the forest.

In addition to that, Zanna was also with us because she insisted to come when we stopped by at Alex's house to get our things.

"We need to separate. Mason and Zanna, you go that way while I go with Jennifer. Got it?" Alex said.

They both nodded in unison before walking to their direction.


Walking for hours, we still haven't got tired.

That's when Alex spoke and said, "What happened to us?"

"You're the one supposed to answer that question. You are the one who first left me and became a man-whore," I said.

"Can't we bring anything back?" He got his hopes up.

"I repeat, you should answer that.  I waited for you but you're too late when you came back," I stated.

Everything became silent for a minute.

I turned around to look at him but when I was exactly at the position, he vanished in darkness.

That's right coward guy! Leave me! It's always the thing you wanna do to me; leave.

Suddenly, it started to rain very hard and I can't find a place to be guarded from the rain.

I just sat under a tree trying to comfort myself from the coldness of the surroundings.

Hours and hours had passed and still no sign of Alex.

He absolutely forgot about me.

Give me a reason why I should be having a relationship with him again.

It's just so stupid for him to leave me here alone.

In all of a sudden, arms were wrapped around me and I felt a little warm from the hug.

But still, my body shivers from the coldness which the guy hugging me can't stop.

"I'll bring you to the place I found, Jennifer," as I recognized the voice, Alex said.

He picked me up in bridal style and ran to wherever destiny may take us.


I felt my body's heat rise up as the water stopped pouring down on me.

My clothes are soaking wet and I don't have anything to put on if ever I remove my clothes.

Alex and I stayed in this pretty comfy cabin.

There were clean bed sheets and everything.

It seems like it hasn't been abandoned for years.

"Jennifer..." Alex mumbled while hugging me behind, burying his face on my hair.

"We don't have time for this Alex. Stop this." I removed his hands from my waist.

"No! We need to talk!" He grabbed me on my wrist.

"There's nothing to talk about!"

Abruptly, he connected his lips with mine which made my eyes go wide.

I pushed him back and made him stumble on the floor.

"You know what? I could've just forget all the things that you did to me but it's very difficult! How can you show me your love when you always force me to do things?!" I shouted.

"You never know Jennifer... I have loved you since the beginning. Trust me, you're the only girl I have loved," he said.

I made my way towards him and started pounding his chest.

"You told me your will never leave me! You told me you will never change! I hate you so much!"

My eyes started pouring out tears as I said those feelings I have kept inside for years.

He just pulled me into a hug and said, "I will never find any girl much more perfect than you. You are my everything, Jennifer."

Without hesitations, he attacked me with a kiss and I didn't push him this time.

"I love you so much," he whispered.

From that, you knew what happened and that night was filled with love and passion.


As the morning approached, we still haven't woken up yet.

Alex's arms were wrapped around me as my hands were glued to his chest.

He suddenly moved his fingers through my hair and played with it.

"I know you're awake babe," he smirked.

"Get off. I'm getting dressed. I wouldn't wanna loose our daughter," I giggled.

He didn't wanna let me go and instead, he put too much weight on me.

Giggling so hard, he placed his mouth on my neck and made a farting sound.

"Stop it you prick! Haha!" I tried speaking.

"Say, I love you Alex," he said.

"No way!" I disagreed.

"Say, I love you Alex."

He kept on making farting noise on my neck.

"Okay! I love you Alex!"

He then stopped and looked at me directly in the eyes.

I didn't actually noticed that he already connected his lips to mine and I was kissing back.

Did I really forgive him?


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