Chapter 9

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Jennifer's POV.

Every day is a pain.

My stomach is getting bigger but still, Alex doesn't know anything about my pregnancy.

Alex kept on asking me a lot of questions for the past few weeks but I kept on shaking my head and saying "no."

I thing he's really that stupid for a vampire.


Every week, my bump will hurt and I feel weaker every time it hurts.

I feel as if someone was sucking my blood drained.


Alex wanted to go out to the forest's pond and have a little picnic.

So, yeah, I agreed and changed my clothes.


"Alex! Are you ready?" I asked.

"Give me a second." He said.

After maybe five seconds, he opened the door and appeared looking handsome as ever.

Gosh. What do vampires have? Why are they so fast on everything?

"Let's go?" He held out his hand while smirking.

I smiled and gave him my hand.


The cloth was already spread and the food was already set and it was really designed carefully.

Looks like someone really planned this.

He lifted me with his strong arms and placed me inside the petals that were scattered on the cloth.

"You really did this?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Do you like it?" He asked.

"Of course! It's gorgeous," I smiled.

Alex suddenly grabbed an acoustic guitar beside him and he started by ticking a single string.

How romantic. He's serenading me.

He started singing Beautiful In My Eyes.

 The voice of his; it's angelic.

His voice is really calm and is really a great music in everyone's ears.

I never knew he have an amazing voice.

Alex ended up the song with a sudden kiss on my lips.


I was in an Indian sitting position and Alex was lying on my legs.

His hair is very soft which made me caress it.

He broke the silence by saying, "I have something to tell you Jennifer."

"What is it? Go ahead," I asked.

"I haven't told you this before right? So, before, I was really confused. I thought everything was just confusion. I kept on denying and arguing with myself and my thoughts about my feelings. But, I soon realized that what I had inside of me was real and I proved it to you a while ago. I really, truly love you Jennifer Rose Faith." He stated.

Those words struck me especially my heart.

My heart was really pounding with joy!

Then, before I knew it, he attacked me with a kiss.


Finally! I am able to update!

So far, did you guys like it?

Give me a feedback.

Anyways, it wasn't really complete but I'll put the other part on the next chapter :3

Thanks for reading!

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