Chapter 21

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Mason's POV.

My sister is actually right in front of me whom I haven't seen for years!

"Princess? Is that you?" I asked.

"Oh my goodness! Mason!" she ran towards me and hugged me, "I haven't seen you for so many years!"

When she hugged me, I felt the presence of evilness.

As our skin touched, I felt something really different.

I know it's her...


We actually talked about the twenty years of being apart from each other.

She told me a lot of things about her previous masters and how she got her in Alex's house.

The wolves sold her into the vampire auction of slaves that's why she got here.

But still, some information are missing and some are not really clear.

Who would've thought that after so many years, I would be able to see her.

But I think she's hiding something away from me...


After all those years, she seemed happy with her life and how it goes.

But her eyes is telling a different thing about her situation.

Her eyes is full of anger, revenge, hatred, and sadness.

I wonder why she have those emotions inside her...


Kelli's POV.

I always kept inside me that my brother, Mason left me.

For many years, I kept a grudge towards my brother and I still can't forgive him.

All the people and vampire associated with my brother's life will be playing my game of death.

So far, my brother slowly started to notice my plans and the change of my personality.

Well, I'm assuring them that no one can ever stop me even the strongest vampires like the vampires in Volturi.

With the snap of my fingers, all of them are going down.

Being a slave, they made me realize that I can trust no one except my own self.

I killed all of my three masters just to get their powerful spirits.

When I absorbed all of their spirits, I felt the real power and the control of everything.

Jennifer, on the other hand is also one of my enemy.

She's the main target here...


Jennifer's POV.

I quickly woke up to start my shift and take care of Rose which is really my job here.

Hurrying, I took a bath and changed my clothes.

As I was about to go downstairs, someone grabbed me from behind pulling me backwards.

The grip tightened around my waist as I felt someone placing their lips on mine.

I tried pushing him away but I just can't defeat his strength.

When he pulled away and the light gave me a glimpse of his face.

You won't like who I saw...


Alex kissed me!

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