Chapter 6

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Jennifer's POV.

Another morning started so I did my daily routine and changed my clothes.

I checked out on Alex and he was still sleeping which is not very common for a vampire.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang so I quickly ran to the front door.

When I opened the door, there stood Mason.

That's really Mason but he doesn't have that lip piercing.

"W-what are you doing here?" I stuttered.

"I'm here to ask for an apology from you." He said.

I smiled and said, "I already forgave you, Mason."

He suddenly attacked me with a hug when a high-pitched voice popped in.

"Alex baby! I'm already here!" Vanessa said.

When she saw me, she threw a glare at me and she rolled her eyes which made me fall.

Luckily, Mason caught me with his arms.

Just when I knew it, Alex was there glaring at us.

"What are you doing here Mason? Did I mention that you're not allowed to step on my territory?" Alex said.

"I'm not here for you, Alex. I'm here for Jennifer. I know you told me to stay away from him but I just can't help it. By the way, your girlfriend is here." Mason said.

He rolled my eyes and glared at him for the last time before he went to his "girlfriend."

"So, do you want to eat or something?" I asked.

He quickly nodded and smiled at me.

I signaled him to follow me on the kitchen and he followed me like a puppy.


I finished my signature dish which is Limoncello Tiramisu.

I gave the dish to Mason and he was staring at me like I'm really not me.

"What? Do you want to eat this or not?" I scrunched my nose.

He chuckled and said, "You know, I'm really amazed that you have some cooking skills hidden inside you. I can't wait a second to taste this."

He grabbed a spoon and took a piece of the dessert.

Mason ate the piece and his eyes went wide.

"This is terrible." He said which made my eyes form tears and is threatening to spill.

"Hey hey. Don't cry! I'm not yet finished with my sentence." He said.

Mason held my cheeks and he wiped the tears away.

"This is what I've wanted to say. This dessert is terribly delicious." He smiled his million dollar smile.

"You fooled me there you idiot!" I started pounding his chest.

He stopped my hands and he looked directly into my eyes.

Mason and I both slowly leaned in but I don't get easily hypnotized by anyone's eyes. Only Alex's.

I turned my head and that made him kiss my cheek instead of my lips.

"HAHA! Take back! You're fooled!" I laughed hysterically.

He gave me an evil smirk and before I knew it, he started tickling me.

"OMG! Mason! Hahaah! Please stop! Hahah!" I laughed.

We're laughing and tickling each other until Alex appeared on them doorframe of the kitchen.

"I better get going Jennifer. I had a nice day and BTW, I love the dessert so much. Thanks!" He said before he left.

"What was that?! Haven't I told you to stay away from him?! You're so stubborn!" Alex yelled at me.

"He's only my friend here Alex! Why are you so angry?! He's the only one who I could talk to!" I glared at him.

"You don't know how much I want you away from Mason..." He mumbled.

"You don't know how I feel, Alex. You don't know." I said.

"I know how you feel." After he said those words, he suddenly attacked me with his lips and he forced me to kiss him.

"Alex stop!" I tried to push him and it worked.

I thought he's stronger than me?

"You're only mine Jennifer. Only mine! Do you get that?! Now go back to your room!" He yelled at me.

I can't really believe this. I thought he changed. I thought he's different but what is this? A bullcrap?

I ran to my bedroom crying and I locked myself in my bedroom as I continued to cry.




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