Chapter 1

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Jennifer's POV.

The school hours have just ended and my best friends and I were about to go to mall when suddenly, my phone vibrated.

I picked up the phone and my Dad's voice popped.

"Come home immediately," was all he said before hanging up.

"Uh, Karla and Gabie, my father wants me home now. Do you mind if we could do this tomorrow?" I asked.

They nodded and kissed my cheek as a sign of goodbye.

Without any clue, She never knew that this will be her last conversation with them.

I walked away from them and started to walk to our house.


As I was about to open our front door, I noticed a car parked in front of our house.

I shrugged and opened the door.

The worst mistake of her life.

There sat a couple smiling at me and my father giving me an evil smile.

They have a suitcase, wait. Is that mine?

"Uhm. Hi?" I said.

"Hey sweetie. Would you mind if you sit beside your father?" The lady asked.

I nodded and went beside my father.

The man began to speak.

"Jennifer Rose Faith, right? You're going with us and will be living with our son from now on." 

My eyes went wide.

I mean who wouldn't be so shocked if you'd be away from your own house and live with a total stranger? 

This is so stupid!

"No! I am not going with you! And besides, why am I going with you? Did you pay my father to bring me with you?I" I asked furiously.

"Yes. We paid your dad." was all the lady had said.

Again,my eyes went wide and returned the gaze at my father.

"HOW COULD YOU!?" I shouted at my father.

"Hunny, I don't really need you now. You're just a free-loader and I'm getting tired of it. That's why I sold you." He grinned.

What kind of father is he?!

"This is so stupid!" I shouted.

"Boys." I heard the man mumble.

Suddenly, I felt myself being lifted and placed on a broad shoulder.



I woke up in a bedroom with a smell of forest around.

"You're awake."

A boy's voice said.

"W-where am I?" I stuttered.

"You're in my house." He simply said.

"Get me out of here! I don't want to be in this place! I don't wanna be in this room! I don't wanna be in this stupid place!" I shouted.

"Shut up you whore! I'm your master and you're going to do what I'm asking you to do so!" He held my hair making me face him.

Fear filled my whole body when I stared in his face.

"W-what? A s-slave?" I stuttered.

"Oh. So you don't know? My parents bought you because your father auctioned you in the Slave Auction so my parents bought you and paid your father with a few million bucks." He briefly explained.

"Asshole." I mumbled.

He suddenly held my chin tightly and he made me look at him.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?! TELL ME!?" He shouted at my face.


I'm beginning to be a fearless bastard and a bitch.

He slapped me on my cheek as hard as he could.

I quickly held my burning cheek and my eyes began to water realizing that I can't escape anymore.

"You bitch. You can't talk to me like that. I'm your master and you're just my sex and personal slave.

The last four words struck me and I shot my head up to him and he was grinning evilly.

I'm a straight A student and everyone loves me. Why did this happened to me?

Have I done something wrong?

Am I that bad person?

I sighed in disappointment and slid out of my bed.


I noticed that the boy and I were the only one in this huge house.

No other slaves and his parents were not here.

I got a bit uncomfortable in my yesterday's clothes so I changed.

I changed into something comfortable and went out of my bedroom.

His house, as I've said, was pretty big for two person to live in.

I haven't explored the other parts of the house, which is scary for me because you know... maybe something pop out from nowhere.

Some television noise came across the hallway which is full of bedrooms.

Maybe 5 bedroom on the left and 5 bedrooms on the right.

OMG. What am I gonna be expecting in this huge house?

I opened the bedroom door where the noise is coming from and I figured out that it was my so called "master's" bedroom.

He turned around and looked at me.

"Uhmm.. I'm sorry to interrupt. I'm just going back to my bedroom." I said before turning around.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my wrist which I guess is my master.

"Don't go. Would you mind if you go watch the TV with me?" He said.

I noticed that he have some adorable eyes, nose, lips, and face.

Ah. No no. Stop.

"Yes master." I said.

"Oh, don't call me master. Call me Alex." He said.

Weird. He's bipolar.

"No I'm not." He suddenly spoke.

Is he reading my thoughts?!

"YES I AM." He spoke again.

"I give up. Let's just watch." I said.

It's really uncomfortable around him because I'm feeling a lot of danger are coming to get me whenever I'm around him.


We're watching for hours and it made me sleepy and tired.

I felt my head sunk on Alex's shoulders.

And at that moment, he suddenly lifted me and carried me back to my bedroom.

He's such a bipolar.


Hey guys :D

My new and first Vampire story.

So I hope you'll support it like you do in my other stories :D

Comment, rate, and follow please?


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