Fifteen : A Stolen Moment

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-𝓐 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓵𝓮𝓷 𝓜𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽-

The following morning brought about a jolting surprise that reverberated throughout the kingdom. Dhritrashtra, to everyone's astonishment, made a proclamation, declaring Yudhishthir as his rightful successor. This unexpected turn of events left everyone dumbfounded, their minds grappling to process the magnitude of such a decision. However, what truly astounded them was Duryodhan's response, an acceptance filled with cheerfulness and seemingly genuine happiness.

But for Aanya, this display of camaraderie between Duryodhan and Yudhishthir was nothing more than a carefully crafted facade, a mask hiding his true intentions. In her heart, she knew that his happiness was nothing but an act, a deceptive performance aimed at gaining favor and manipulating those around him. While others reveled in admiration and offered their blessings, Aanya couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration. To her discerning eyes, his obsequious bowing and empty gestures were void of any genuine emotion or respect.

As the day went on, Aanya found herself in the company of Dushala. With a forced smile on her face, she listened to Dushala's words of contentment and joy regarding her brothers' newfound happiness. The palace seemed to be devoid of tension and worry, at least according to Dushala's perspective. However, Aanya couldn't shake off the impending sense of foreboding that loomed over her. Deep down, she knew that unsettling times were approaching, and the peace they currently enjoyed would soon be shattered.

In just two days, Yudhishthir's coronation would take place, and Aanya would bid farewell to Hastinapur. While she looked forward to the reunion with Kanha, a subtle tugging sensation stirred within her heart at the thought of leaving behind the people she had grown to love. The passing days raced by in a whirlwind of activity, with everyone bustling about, tirelessly preparing for the grand coronation ceremony. Amidst the chaos, Aanya cherished the moments spent with Dushala, Kunti, and Gandhari, their bond deepening with each passing day. Moreover, a mischievous adventure unfolded as Aanya and Nakul teamed up to prank Bheem, tricking him into consuming laddus filled with bitter neem leaves. Their laughter echoed through the halls as Bheem's comical expressions mirrored his distaste.

On the eve of Yudhishthir's grand coronation, Aanya, with a tiny frown on her face, sought solace by the riverside. It had been two days since she last laid eyes on Arjun, except for those few stolen glances that left her heart fluttering with a bittersweet ache of longing. As the idea of departing for Dwarka slowly tiptoed into her thoughts, a melancholic sense of emptiness settled gently within her. The realization dawned upon her shoulder. She might not be able to see Arjun for a seemingly infinite stretch of time after this.

Unbeknownst to Aanya, Karna was peeking from a distance, silently witnessing her every move. He couldn't bear the sight of her venturing out all on her own. He knew all too well that the world outside the palace walls held its own dangers, with which this innocent girl remained blissfully unaware.

Underneath the dreamy glow of the moonlight, Aanya's face shimmered like a sparkly princess, her dark, luscious curls playfully tousled by the soft breeze. She sat by the river, her mind full of whimsical thoughts, exuding a serene and ethereal presence. She was definitely an absolute angel on earth.

Aanya's heart skipped a beat as she heard the sound of approaching footsteps. The rustling leaves crescendoed in her ears, and her eyes widened with anticipation. But quickly, her frown turned into a radiant smile when she saw the familiar figure advancing towards her.

"You know, you're not supposed to wander outside the palace alone. I was worried," Arjun gently scolded, shaking his head.

A mischievous grin spread across Aanya's face as she replied, "Well, at least you managed to squeeze in some time to meet me."

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