I Have An Obedient Wife

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Ch 55: I have an obedient wife


I scrub down my body and tip my head towards the shower washing the shampoo out of my hair, I actually am thankful to the people who created the hot showers. I release a breath, a smile peeking out, my wife will be with me from today, at least for the sake of pretence. I imagine the guys reaction tonight. Drying myself with the towel I look at my face in the mirror, the beard seems to have grown too much in the past few days. I should shave it.

I take out the razor when Katherine voice booms from behind me.

"Don't." I look back at her, resting my hip against the counter and just... gazing at my beautiful wife, at times I forget how beautiful she really is. So pale, slender, with her chocolate brown silky strands. Her pert pink mouth which looks like it had one of those surgeries the wives get. My pcholka has those lips naturally, her long lashes which fan her face as she blinks to the small scar just above her left eyebrow.

"May I ask what?" I say running my heated gaze to her bare legs and eying her breasts which no doubtly are naked under that hoodie she has chosen, which is...

"Is that mine?" I ask looking in her eyes.

"It is." She answers lightly.

"You sure have made yourself comfortable in my closet haven't you?" I ask amused.

"You have a problem with that dear husband?" she asks sweetly. I tilt my head looking at her.

"What?" she asks squirming under my gaze. I bite the inside of my cheek and narrow my eyes.

"Just trying to find what act you're putting on wife."

"No act." She automatically says.

"Uh-huh." I say with a smirk.

"You're a bad liar wife, and an even bad plan maker." I say straightening.

"Don't shave husband, you look sexy with the bush." She says pointing her head towards me.

I drop the razor. "And the queen as ordered." I mutter walking to the closet.

"What am I wearing tonight wife?"

"Aren't you getting a little too likable to be using that title?" she asks sulkily.

"It's my only greatest honour after all." I say with a wink.

"Be ready for your nickname then." She mutters lowly and brushes past me to the bedroom.

"This... this is what you're wearing and you need to change in the closet. I'll be using the room." She says giving me a hanger of clothes.

"May I ask why dearest darling?"

"Because sweetheart you're not getting to see me without clothes."

"Who said it would be my first time?" I whisper into her ear and walk towards the closet.

I button up my shirt and pull on my trousers, fast my belt and brush my hair, I choose the watch I had just bought for today, taking it with me and the box from my locker I stall to the bedroom.

I freeze at the door, even if I want to move I couldn't... my face has gone slack, my eyes too wide and it's only with sheer effort that I keep my jaw from falling on the ground. I look and relook, and again and again. It's just... I gulp loudly, too loudly maybe because she turns and looks at me and the air from my lungs gushes out, my heart hammers in my chest, her blue eyes lock on me and she peers at me shyly, almost sheepishly. My breathing seems off, maybe I'm having a heart attack, something anything, medical because this sort of reaction cannot be because of her right?

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