The Stars That Shine

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Ch 75: The stars that shine


Shutting the door behind us, I sit down on my desk as I take a moment to arrange my thoughts.

There's this tightness in my heart, this tingling voice in my heart and rage, so much rage.

I look at Viktor standing against the wall. "I want information on Katherine, the oldest you can get and I want more eyes on my father, dig up, everything you could, whatever you have in hand, I want you to report everything, why was Katherine kidnapped," I clear my throat, "who kidnapped her, and most importantly find me the families she was with before getting adopted." I say with a grave tone.

Viktor nods his head as he straightens, "Also find the woman, who is presumably that bastard's daughter." I growl. My mind works in overdrive as I think of all the links, I press around my pocket for my phone but come up empty. I left it on the dinner table.

I stand and Viktor straightens, "where are going today?" he asks hot on my heels.

"Need somethings for tomorrow." I grunt.

"The Vaclav's would be there too." He says.

"The arrangements are coming in okay?" I ask as we turn towards the dinner table, my feet freeze just outside the door, soft murmuring come from inside the room and I take a peek and see Katherine's head on Naomi's shoulder.

She is softly rubbing her back as they talk in low tones.

"Why don't you give it a chance?" Naomi asks and listening to Katherine sweet voice for the next couple of minutes, I feel lighter than I have ever felt, there's a vulnerable tone to her voice as she speaks about us and states her problem, I know I should give her some space, move out because I know this is a private conversation but I can't, my breath has stilled as I listen to Naomi ask her if she likes me or not. "Yes." She finally answers and I want to scream at the top of my lungs, take her back to our room and fuck her properly.

I turn around and face a grave looking Viktor, "Anything else you need from me today?" I ask sombrely.

He shakes his head, "Then I'll be off today."

Naomi comes out and jumps a little in surprise, I see her eyes rimmed red and am about to open my mouth to ask her the cause when Viktor speaks, "It's a first for you." I look at him confused.

"This..." he waves his hand haphazardly, "taking day off... you never did that."

"Is there a problem Viktor?" I ask him with a menacing tone.

"No, it's just..." he hesitates, "you've gone soft Ace, you were never this man who did not take security with him, you are taking decisions which I never thought you would ever take." He says finally. I tilt my head.

"Who Is the head, Vic?" I ask him with false calmness, fake concern.

He burrows his eyebrows in and I could practically see the retort on his lips when Katherine comes out and squeals when she finds us outside the door.

"Dear lord, Mr. Mafia, are you trying to kill me with a heart attack." I turn to meet her eyes, breaking the glaring contest with Viktor.

Smirking at her, I give her a heated once over which makes her cheeks go red.

"You aren't ready yet wife." I taunt.

"I am not a dog." She huffs before running out of the room. I chuckle before focusing back on Viktor.

He had an... awed expression on his face. I narrow my eyes.

"What?" I ask.

"You seem lighter." He says, I shrug my shoulders.

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