Tornados In Mind

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Ch 127: Tornados in mind


The thing with time is, it runs when you try to chase it off... with every second that's passing by without any news, my body is resigning, giving up on sanity and I can't actually assure you if or not I would be able to hold onto its seams anymore. My sanity has been masking my insane mind for so long that even my heart is scared of it, gory, flesh, blood, nothing makes me queasy, quite the opposite actually, I love what I do, my business and my work, but what I love more than anything else is my wife, my sweet pcholka who has disappeared into thin air.

Our flight touches down Chicago as I continue looking out the window, the raging beast inside of me is screaming at me as if I am not fully wishing it was me who had been kidnapped, I would give anything in the world to be the one to replace places with my wife or better yet kill the bastard who has her, I have to give it to him though that he has covered his tracks pretty good, if I am not able to find him... yeah he is good... but the rage simmering in my veins is doing nothing but make me feel guiltier.

"Let's go brother." Alex's gruff voice cuts through my inner monologue.

I breathe out a deep sigh through my nose before feeling conviction filling my veins.

"Let's go." I say moving down the tarmac and going inside the car waiting for us.

We move straight to the place where Aiden tracked my father met Armano, me and Alex both of us working on our respective laptops with Viktor giving commands from the front seat on his phone, I should have inserted a chip inside her and I will... whether she likes it or not, hell I would allow her to do the same to me, get anything she wants for it, but a chip is going inside her when I find her.

That's my optimism speaking of course because knowing my pcholka she would want nothing to do with me anymore. I snap myself out of that thought before it swallows me whole.

The car stops in front of a club, there's a sturdy line outside with a beast of a man flanking the door.

Exiting the car, I walk up to him, his eyes bulge first before his fingers tap on his earpiece, Alex and Viktor follow me as we go straight inside, the bodyguard giving us a wide berth, the club smells of cheap booze and cheaper pussy, the thrashy neon lights colouring the club into red and blue, loud music pours from the speakers as smell of sweat lingers in the air, two men come barrelling out, their faces pasty reddish white.

"Mr. Petrov, Mr. King." They greet. I meet Alex's eyes before nodding at them.

"Mr. Armano is waiting in his office for you." Their scanning eyes don't escape us, neither does the bulge of their guns and their not to subtle movement to motion to the other men on duty I presume.

We follow them down a small hallway before going through a small wooden door, Tommy Armano sits behind the table with a wide smile on his face. This is a neutral dealer, drugs of any sort, details, information, you want it, Armano has it, I can't understand what my father might want with him. We take the seat in the two leather chairs cramped up in this office with Viktor standing by the door, my eyes meet the soulless black eyes of a murderer and criminal who dabbles in all sorts of life taking drugs.

"It's such a pleasure to finally meet the infamous Pakhan of Bratva, Mr. Petrov." I hold back a scoff, directly nailing my point.

"Not the only Petrov you have been meeting." I say with a calm cold voice, his smile freezes on his face, his face going to Alex to check his reaction, I can without looking he would have this neutral blank face on, and sure enough Armano's eyes flick back to me.

"I am afraid I don't understand Mr. Petrov." He says achingly sweet.

"Wong answer." Alex says before the sound of guns popping reach through the wooden doors, I don't need to look back to know those are my men, my eyes stay on the fucker who's eyes have doubled as saucers.

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