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Ch 106: Eventful


After a rather eventful morning we are finally sitting on the dining table with the morning breakfast spread before us. Well, I am sitting on the chair while Katherine is perched on my lap perfectly spent and boneless.

I feed her the next bite of the white sauce pasta I cooked and she lets out another tiny moan, with her face red and swollen mouth, well I am on the end of the restrain and with all the wiggling she is doing, she can feel my arousal too.

I have millions of things to do but not one of them is gonna make me go away from my time with my wife.

"So... don't you have work today?" Katherine asks after swallowing her food.

"I do." I say. She raises an eyebrow wanting me to explain further.

"I do have work but I'll go a little late."

"So, what the next man you need to murder has to wait because you wanna go late?" she asks exaggeratedly.

I chuckle, "Why do you think the only thing I do is kill people?"

"Because you are the mafia."

"But I also am the CEO of a multi- billion dollar company and the new CEO of Petrov's Cooperation or did you forget that?" I say with a raised eyebrow.

"So... what do you do as a CEO?"

"The exact same thing you read in your filthy novels." I say with a smirk. Yep, I know all about my woman's smut addiction and as I mentioned before the Meadows fella, case in hand is she is obsessed.

"No way." she screams her eyes bulging out of her socket.

"Yes." I says with a wink, on second thought though, "do you wanna come with me?" I ask.

She is as surprised as me on that suggestion.

"Sure" she says happily munching down her food.

"We leave in thirty minutes then." I say standing up. I could just take a twenty minutes workout and take a quick shower.

"Sure, we leave in thirty." She says with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Okay she isn't moving her ass out until an hour so forty minutes workout it is.

I shake my head chuckling, "move your ass out faster."

"Yes sir." She replies running up the stairs giddily.

And she took one and a half hour to get ready but when she came down my mouth was bone dry. A flowy white dress with some intricate patterns which reached her mid-thigh, she had added a pair of boots and kept her brown hair down, her eyes sparkled matching the necklace she wore and on her finger was my ring, all in all she looked like a wet fucking dream.

Now we are in my car, soft music pours out of the systems and we are blanketed in comforting silence.

"So where are we going today?" she asks ten minutes into the drive.

"First we have to go the Petrov's Co., I have a meeting there."

"What am I gonna do there?" she asks.

"Whatever you want to do." I say with a shrug.

She makes a non-committal sound and goes silent again.

We reach the underground VIP parking and I help her get out. We take my private elevator which opens directly in the top executive floor, she is unusually quiet as she looks around.

My office is now relocated to the CEO space, so my father's old office has my new desk.

We pass by my old office but as soon as we cross by the VP's office which is held by my uncle, the door opens and comes out my cousin whose lazy ass hasn't grazed the office once since I remember it.

Katherine stops in her tracks and Ronan does too, my arms instinctively pull her closer to my body as Ronan's eye twitches.

"What an unexpected family reunion." He spits. Ronan knows better than to say such nonsense to my wife but guess his sanity has left him.

"This is not the time or way to speak to the Pakhan Mr. Petrov." Viktor says in a cold tone.

Ronan's eyes swing from me to Viktor and he smiles coldly, "Aww pull of your lap dog Ace, I'm in no mood for a rabies injection right now."

"The medical attention you would require after I'm through with you would be much more painful than any injection Ronan." I say coldly.

"I dare you brother." He says with an insane glint in his eyes.

"What are you doing here? I could have the security escort you out." I say.

"Well, well well... didn't you hear? I am your new VP, since you have been..." his dirty gaze rakes up Katherine, and a growl escapes me, Ronan is walking on end of the fucking rope with me, "busy with your dear wife, guess no one told you." I hold his collar and throw him against a wall, "I told you this before and I'd tell you one last time, speak of my wife again or even swing your gaze in her direction and I would rip your eyes out with my bare hands." I growl lowly in his ears.

"Ace." Her voice penetrates my rageous fog.

"Ace, leave it." Her hand comes down on my bicep, my gaze swing to hers. Her eyes are full of fear.

"He is not worth it." she says softly.

"But my mother was." Ronan growls.

Katherine looks at him with furrowed eyebrows, no.. no... no.. dammit.

"Ronan..." I start with a threatening tone.

"Why, don't want your damsel to know your sins brother? Let her see what a monster she is." He growls again.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Katherine says calmly.

Ronan's lips spread into an ugly smile, "Of course you don't. Tell me Katherine, did you know my men enjoyed your mother's pussy so much all the while she screamed, and," I deck him, I deck him so hard that blood pours out of his nose. Still, he doesn't back down, Katheirne's face has gone white as a sheet.

"Your brother's dick in his mouth where it actually belonged was the cheery on top." He spits blood. Katheirne has gone still, her face white and emotionless, I will kill this motherfucker today. I smash Ronan on the wall and tighten my hold on his throat while my other hand brings out my gun and I point it to his temple; this is it for this motherfucker.

"Ace no." Katherine says with a monotonous voice. Viktor holds my hand, "Alec you can't do this... not so soon."

I don't hear any of it, my hold tightens and Ronan's face turns red, still that mad smile is there.

"I... will... complete it." he chokes as Katherine speaks again, "Ace please... let go of him." I press tighter before releasing him.

"C-Can we..." she clears her throat, "can we please go somewhere private."

"Next time I will kill you." I say to Ronan who is coughing his lungs out. Holding Katherine's hand, I pull her with me to my new office, some answers need to be given, it's been quite long since this puzzle got solved.

Please wait for the next chapter, half the story is gonna get solved in it.. 

-love rky xoxo.

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