Gilded Cage

775 58 14

Ch 109: Gilded Cage


I know my sudden change in expression and my unwillingness to share more details infuriate Katherine, but I almost told her about my role after her accident and Naomi's involvement, there are many things I know my wife can forgive me for, Naomi though isn't one of them.

Her jaw is clenched and she is looking at me with a glare so hot that I would have burned, her eyes though they hold hurt too, I don't like it, but this will be the one thing I can't be honest to her about.

Before I could open my mouth to placate the situation, her gaze sharpens, "I need out." She says finally.

I chuckle to that, "If you think anything but death is gonna give either of us and out from this marriage, then you're more delusional than I thought."

"Fuck you, I want out of this place, and for the marriage if I would want an out, I'll get my fucking out." She spits before turning and all but running out of the door.

I am up and out of my seat after her, for fuck's sake, I told her so much about her life and instead of taking time to digest it all, she is running away, my way is blocked by Viktor though, oh for the love of God, the elevator door closes and Katherine's smirking face winks at me.

"What the fuck Viktor?" I growl.

"Give her some time Alec." He says in a fucking calming tone, his hands raised up, in a non threating gesture.

"You don't fucking-"

"No, I don't, but right now, she needs some alone time, I'll ask Naomi to escort with her, and I have already told the guys to be her."

If it wouldn't have been my best friend and second in command, his brains would have been splashed on the floor.

"She needs to take it all in, I don't know what happened that she ran away like that, but her eyes were glassy Alec, I might not be the best guy around for women talk but sometimes relationship needs doing nothing in order to calm things down."

The worst part is, his words make fucking sense. I release a breath.

"I told her about the Ronan thing and almost blurted out the Naomi bit so I stopped for a second, but she got the idea that I wasn't telling her something."

"She is as good as you." He says with a smirk.

"The guys are with her?" I ask going back with him to my office, Ronan is nowhere in sight, but that doesn't shake off the ominous feeling that has taken root in my heart.

"I have sent two teams, both non descriptive and undercover, nothing will happen Alec."

"What about Ronan?" I ask, my voice cold.

Viktor's expression changes too, his eyes have supressed anger, "I sent him home with two guards."

"I had no idea Ronan was made the successor; uncle didn't ask."

"Your father was informed; he signed the papers."

My jaw clenches, of course it's my fucking father.

I release a breath, "Keep me informed on the whereabouts of my wife."

Viktor nods. I buzz my assistant. My EA here is wonderful, fast and competent.

"Mr. Petrov." Her greeting comes through.

"In my office now." I reply curtly.

"Keep your eyes and ears open Vic." He nods and goes out of the door as soon as my assistant comes through.

"Morning sir."

"What's the to do list for today?" I ask not bothering with formalities.

"The investors wanted to meet you personally so they'll be in today at around 12:30, then you have a meeting with Mr. Utah and the government officials." I nod my head.

"Okay what about the meetings with all the sales head, the distribution channel's need to be expanded, I want an updated list on that." She jots them down on her tablet and stands for further instructions.

"And arrange food for two people, include Indian and Chinese." She almost gives me a questioning look but for her sake tampers it down.

"That's all." I dismiss her.

As soon as the door clicks shut, I spin on my chair, I look out to the small bustling New York, my heart beats a little faster, something... something is amiss and it's in front of my eyes yet I can't see it. releasing a breath, I try to focus my mind on the work instead of a chocolate haired raven who is running I don't know where.

I shoot off a text to Viktor asking for an hourly update on my wife and then dive into the work I have piled on.

It feels like several hours have passed but only three hours later, I am done with two meetings and several paperwork and I am more than ready to have lunch with my wife because she needs to eat too, I check my phone for my wife's whereabouts, last I checked, she was at her apartment in New York, I text the head of the team escorting her and his answer has been out of my chair in a second.

"My wife is at fucking Glided Cage." I roar at Viktor as soon as he picks up.

"Yeah, I just saw the latest update." He says with a voice which I am sure he is grimacing in.

"Naomi is with her too..." he says as if that would placate me.

"Naomi has a fucking crush on Katherine." I snap.

No response, he knew it too.

"Yeah, I observed it." he says.

"Get my car ready, I am done for the fucking day." I growl.

Grabbing my jacket and wallet I am out of the door in a second, my today's agenda's can fuck themselves before I leave my wife in the most popular club in Manhattan, it is the most coveted and exclusive spot with its premium clienteles', I have no doubt that the only reason how she got into the club is because Naomi knows my wife has an all access to all my establishments. And Gilded Cage is one of my most premium businesses. I can almost envision salivating men near my pcholka, a strange fury ignites in my veins at the thought of other men having their leery eyes on my wife's body, the only reason I don't kill Naomi right now is because she is important to my pcholka, my wife won't be able to take in the loss of her friend on top of anything right now.

I mean- Gilded Cage is not the place Naomi wants to be stuck rn!!

-love rky xoxo.

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