The Slithering Of Heart

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Ch 93: The slithering of heart


Her hand tighten around the fork as she looks at Sofia with venom, she is jealous and that is just too good for me. it means that she cares.

Sofia was the bargaining chip I used when she went missing while she was The Triads girlfriend, two years back. It was a favour which brought us a peace treaty.

Sofia is nothing if not a fireball of energy and yes, she is beautiful but she doesn't holds a candle to my woman, my wife is the most beautiful woman, inside out, alive.

"I am." I reply finally.

That was ten minutes ago though, people have come and met me and introduced me to around as if I was not born into this world.

My father is nowhere to be seen as is Ronan, after the documents were signed and all the members witnessed me taking the oath as the next Pakhan, things got a little heated up with the Italians, who believed the world is under their feet.

My friends called in, showing the world yet again, what happens to anyone who dare play us.

The whole time though, my mind was on Katherine. It was the biggest moment of my life, yet all I could think about was a chocolate haired raven who has piercing blue eyes.

I look down at the ring on my finger when a screeching voice comes from beside me.

"You played big, Martins." Kylie Semenov's voice snarls.

The conversation quietens around the room as all eyes focus on us.

Katherine's face turns a little red as she looks up at the bitch coming at her, I am up and out of my seat in an instant.

It's Katherine's gaze and the subtle shake of her head which hook me on my spot before I wring this bitch's neck for talking to my wife with such disrespect.

"Miss Semenov, now's not the..." Katherine starts but Kylie cuts her off.

"I don't need your permission." Kylie snarls, my jaw clenches further.

"You're being a nuisance to the room Miss Semenov and honestly I would have let go of this immature attitude would we be in class but right now you're disturbing a very important day for my husband and my Rybka doesn't deserve it, so please be on your way." Katherine says with a calm tone. The room has quieten further since she used that nickname for me.

She calls me little fish in front of everyone and all I feel is my lips twitching while everybody looks at her like she just got her death sentence signed... for anyone else that would have been exactly the case but for my pcholka it's a mere sign of her ownership on me. And me? I'm more than happy to be the one she has an endearment for.

Kylie's face turns beet red but before she opens her mouth but her father holds her arm tightly before asking for forgiveness. His eyes come to me and whatever he sees in them, just makes him paler than he is.

"We will talk tomorrow." I say to him, flicking my gaze to my wife, who looks cool as ice.

"Be gone from my sight." I growl at the old Semenov.

Katherine's gaze follows their departure as everyone's else's.

Her eyes look almost black, sparkly and her hands shake a little.

I look at Viktor and motion with my head, at the Semenov's.

Viktor gives me a subtle nod. I need to look into them, something isn't fitting and knowing Katherine she won't be easy enough to answer my questions.

I go to my wife, "You're okay?" I ask, enveloping her hand in mine, the party has resumed but all eyes are still on us.

"Yes." She replies cooly.

I want to ask more, say more, but it's not possible with so many eyes so I go back to my seat at the head of the table, my father's seat is vacant as is Ronan's and Yohan is in his world with booze and women, my uncle is also absent but that's common. I look at the people and the woman sitting by me.

This... this was biggest dream, but a fear has swallowed my heart and I can't help but shake off the feeling, something is gonna happen before this night ends.

Hope you guys like this chapter. Do tell me your views.

-love rky xoxo.

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