Long Strides

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Ch 115: Long Strides


I see the girls round the corner before turning back to my friends.

"She'd fit right in." Aaron says with a clap on my shoulder.

I nod my head. A maid serves us our drinks.

"Do you think it's a good idea to let Naomi and Katherine stay in contact even now after you have married her? I'd say it's an unnecessary risk." Alex says bluntly taking a sip of his scotch.

"I agree on that." Aiden says.

I clench my jaw. "They're friends." I counter as a form of explanation.

"To Katherine yes, I can see that woman loves you but she also adores her best friend Ace, do you think it's wise to keep her in vicinity of a loose cannon like Naomi?" Alex asks.

Viktor enters the room with a glass of vodka in his hand.

"What do you want me to do? They're friends, I can't eliminate Naomi without hurting my wife." I say looking Alex in the eyes.

"I'm not questioning you brother, all I'm saying it, the slip up she had today, how many more of such do you think before Katherine is gonna have questions? That girl loves your wife, it shows on her fucking face, what do you think would happen if one day she decides to go against your orders, which she actually does, she had hidden things about Katherine from you in the past and she continues to defy them further." Alex says with a shrug.

"I agree Alec, how many more days until you can keep her in control, because if Katheirne finds out about it, there won't be chances after that." Viktor says sombrely.

"Let's talk about the important matters at hand though, your cunt of a father and your dead beat cousin." Aiden says changing the topics.

"I found out about your father, and Ace, that man is doing some sneaky shit, he had this late night meeting with several men, the intel's not clear onto who those men were but some of them were the higher up's of the Irish mob. Also..." Aiden says looking around, his steely expression ring alarms in my mind, whatever he'd say I know I am not gonna like it, "the old O'Sullivan was there in attendance with Ryat Hayes."

"Fuck." Aaron mumbles and he has a serious expression in his yes, they don't know about Katherine's relation with the Irish mob, Aiden is the head of the Italian mafia himself, the man keeps those layers covered tighter than a major tax write off's of various rich people, his company is merely a false image for the various adventures he does, and also for the fact that he wanted to have a clean pristine white account where each and every penny of black money is scuffed clean.

"Fuck indeed." Viktor says looking at me, he is the only one who knows about the whole story.

"As for the brother, I am empty handed brother, it's like this guy is a ghost, no one knows anything about him." Alex says gravely, clutching the glass tighter.

"Your brother is in Russia Ace." Aaron says looking at me.

"What's that little shit doing there?" Viktor asks.

"Looks like all he's doing is drugs." Aaron says with a shrug.

"That guy Yohan is there too." Aaron says off handedly scrolling through his phone, my eyes were already on Viktor so I noticed the way his jaw clenched and his eye twitched.

Ryat Hades, the man is an anomaly and it's to no one's knowledge but mine that he is my ally too. I take a sip of my vodka.

Next few hours pass doing all kinds of business talks, and then the women come out at the time of dinner, Katheirne's face has a beautiful glow to it which means she had a good time with the girls, as soon as she sees me, her body settles down next to mine as she cuddles a little to me, the dinner goes by happily and way too soon we are all bidding goodbyes with the promise of the girls to meet together in the week, I am happy. The constant smiles and laughter from my wife just act a soothing balm to my heart.

We get changed and are lying on the bed when she asks, "Can you tell me about my grandfather Ace."

I release a deep breath, "As far as I have heard, he was a great leader, a marvellous strategist and a ruthless killer." Her fingers move across my chest.

"And my... the woman who gave birth to me?" she asks softly.

"I never knew of her, just that she was immensely beautiful, she was supposed to marry my dad, people say he was obsessed with her, obsessed enough to try to go war had she not been his."

"What about that woman from the party? What are we gonna do with her?" We, she said we.

"I have arranged a meeting with her, she is the wife of one of the old capos, he was replaced since he had no son to pass on the kingdom too, people said he was sterile when their daughter was born, she was born late but she will inherit everything the Semenov's have, it's just the fact that that girl is a cunt, she has made plenty of advances on me over the years and it's like the fact that she believes every one is supposed to give her what she wants." I remember her nasally voice and it's like the fork scrapping on a blackboard.

"I would like to meet her too." Katheine says looking at me with her big blue eyes.

"Okay." I say tucking the hair behind her ear.

"Okay?" she echoes incredulously.

"Just like that?"

"Just like that." I say holding her closer to my chest as we both drift off to sleep.

Ace... Is Ace and Naomi is just... acting differently,.. I just hope Ace and Kat find each other after the storm.

-love rky xoxo.

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