The Landing

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Ch 20: the landing


Fuck. Fucking fuck.

"What the fuck" I roared looking directly in those blue eyes which were looking at me with so much fury that it seemed if she had the power, she would have burned me alive with her mere intensity.

I cupped my balls because shit it was throbbing. I could feel blood dripping from my lips which was a souvenir from my little pcholka but cuts or blood or wounds does not scare me neither do they cause me so much pain. Daddy dearest made it his lifes mission to give wounds to last five lifetimes if not more, but I was fucking furious that she kicked me in the balls when I was fucking drowning in that kiss.

"If you think that you have any control whatsoever on me, think again. How fucking dare you give me orders like I was some dog?" she spits sending daggers through her eyes.

You know what fuck it.

I hold her nape, my other hand looping against her waist and I pull her to me and kiss her with everything in me. She tastes fucking divine and MINE.  She pushes me... claws me but then melts within seconds in that kiss. She let out small whimpers which sound like bells of the church and then she moans. I release her and step away. She is panting and then she opens her eyes. Her lips are puffy from my assault and there is water descending upon both of us from the shower. The fucking beast inside of me lusts at those perky mounds of hers without bra in that hospital gown. Her hair is  sticking to her body and she looks like a fucking goddess. She is mine. She will be. I gave her the chance to run and she threw that out of the window. It was on her not on me.

"Pcholka I'm pretty sure you'll regret disobeying me but lets face it, you being a brat was never going to work in your favour."

I could practically see her readying herself for the fight but before she could say anything I cut her off.

"Save it. I am not interested in hearing anything which you have to say. What I do know though is you certainly do not realise what kind of man I am. Do you? Of course, you dont. Let me introduce myself. I am Alexander Petrov. Ring any bells?"

She paled. So, my little pcholka had heard my name after all. Well then.

"Al-Al-Alexander Petrov?" she stuttered.

"Alexander Petrov."

"You are the head of the Russian mafia? You are Alexander Petrov?"

"In the flesh. So now you know who I am. What I'm curious to know is do you realise what did you get yourself into?"

Her eyes were wide as saucers. I wondered what was going on in that cute little mind of hers.

"What did I get myself into? I did not do anything. I was living my life quietly. I did not tell anybody anything. I swear to God. I did not-"


She stopped but her eyes were welled up. What the fuck had happened to her.

"what-" before I could complete asking the same to her. The door flew open and like a rabid dog there stood my baby cousin panting.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he shouted if not anything else and I released a sigh so long my whole body felt relaxed and then I looked him in the eye and asked  "What the fuck are you doing here?"

He stepped in the bathroom and held Katherine by her arm, but she was looking at me with those big blue eyes filled with fear.

"Martins what the fuck are you doing here?" she did not say a word. Well, I had my fill of dominance from my cousin. Also, if somebody told me he was a dominant in his bedroom where he played dolls with those girls from his class well, I wont deny that.

"Ronan we can do this two ways. One you leave her here and move out on your own or we can do this my way. Word of advice you wont like the latter."


"Latter it is. I twist his arm behind his back before he could blink his eyes and kick him behind his knees."

"fuck." he shouts before falling on his knees. Pathetic.

"I'll kill you." This brought Katherine out of whatever la-la land she was in.

"What are you doing?" she asked me trying to help Ronan to his feet. The fuck would she touch him.

"The part you touch him at will be the spot Ill kick him at. Touch pcholka." I taunt.

Her hand stopped in the air where it was going to touch his arm and she looked at me.

"motherfucker leave me or I swear to god-"

"What Ronan? What are you swearing at? Hmm maybe it is pain you are swearing to inflict or is it another pathetic rambling about your daddy doing something or is it financially youre threatening me about because we both know Im richer than daddy and you combined and Im not even including my inheritance or the money my father will leave me after he goes on his merry way to hell. So what are you threatening to me Ronan...hmmm?" I ask applying more pressure on his twisted arm.

"you-" he hisses.

"Stand up and like a good little boy go to the sitting area and wait for us and if I hear you've been doing anything that is naughty then,"

I release him suddenly and he falls forward only narrowly missing falling face first on the floor.

"You get ready. You have five minutes." I tell Katherine, hold Ronan by the shoulder, and saunter out from the bathroom.

The door clicked behind me, and I release Ronan outside the room before he could start his word vomit again. I could hear him following me and I come face to face with my best friend slash my head guard in the sitting area sharpening his knife. He looks at me and nods and holds Ronan and pushes him on a seat with cuffs on his hands and a gag which I really don't want to know how he got in his mouth. He ties Ronans seat belt and goes back to his work in matter of seconds.

Ronan's face is red and he is thrashing but with Viktor there I have no doubt that's all he could do after all. I liked Viktor because he understood things without me saying anything, had understood since we were kids, he has been my silent shadow and the only person I respect. I go to the cock pit and tell the pilots we will not be landing anywhere but straight in Russia and with that done I feel a foreign feeling of happiness rushing through me. Pcholka, will remember this all her life. Well whatever life she will have beside me as my wife.

guys I'm very very sorry for such late update, I had a test today and after coming back home, I just slept through the entire time till now. I hope you're liking the story so far? okay because I'm very excited, Ace has finally decided he wants to marry Katherine and let's just say he won't be very nice about it in the next couple of chapters. do tell me your views and plzzzzz suggest me how you think I can make this story more interesting going forward.

-love rky xoxo.

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