Talk With The Devil

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Ch: 18 talk with the devil


Talk.. right I had to talk to her. It was the reason I brought her to my room after all. I want her and I had no moral compass whatsoever. I did the most unholy things and slept like a baby at night. But looking in her eyes right now. Those inky blue pools of window which narrated the most horrific tale. I wanted her... needed her. But I cannot force that kind of curse onto her. Not her. She had to go. With Ronan if it has to be that way. His life was safer than mine, at least he did not wake up every morning thinking maybe it will be his last. He was not the one who was raised as a soldier. No, he was a guy. A guy who was aware of our world but was a very small part of it.

Katherine will not stay with him if she knew their history. Neither would he. They were unknown right now. Unknown to each other because Katherine changed herself. Not just her name but herself too. She was no longer just a girl with beauty, no she was BEAUTIFUL now. She was Katherine Martins now. Not Katherine....

"Hey where did you go?" kat asked from underneath me. I looked away and released her from my grasp on her. Jesus Christ I will die at this rate with a disease called 'daydreaming'.

I stood up and paced the small room of my bedroom. I went to the window and looked outside; the scenery was all white with clouds. Ok I could do this.

I turned towards her only to find her already at the door with her hand on the knob. I will do it. The sooner the better. She will not live her life under Ronan's immature craziness. No, she will live normally. I'll sort out Ronan and with time he will lose his interest on her and they'll go their separate ways and as far as Katherine was concerned she wouldn't spill those beans to him. No way. And if things go differently, I'll then take it one day at a time.

I strided to her in two long steps. The door was fingerprint passworded. Inside and out. Nobody could come in or go out without my fingerprints. I did not trust these guys not to kill me while I was asleep. Katherine was looking at me with disdain and wariness in her eyes. It hurt but I was not acting on it.

I moved towards her, and she moved backwards until her back hit the door.

"w.. wh..what are you doing?" she stammered.

"Katherine Martins you do know who I am and what I can do... so you must have realised that I'm not a man you joke with. Listen carefully because I will not repeat it." I inhaled and perfected my face into a neutral mask, "You and Ronan not happening. He is my baby brother, and you are a liability which I'm way too eager to get rid of. You will not accept his advances. You will keep your distance from him. I know who you are and who's behind the untimely departure of your family," her eyes widened and her skin turned paler, do it, I repeated in my head, "and I won't have any second thoughts to personally ensure that you get a one on one with them sooner rather than later, share that their last chess piece has escaped the board for the sky scrapers of New York. Well, what will happen next, that is not on me. Choose wisely. Throw in your intelligence or there will be sudden booking for a graveyard and people mourning you."

Her face went deathly pale, and her breath quickened. I could not risk her safety for anything. And while it would have been ideal to get her going with Ronan so that he loses his interest himself, I was way too selfish for him to come within a ten-foot radius of her. This was better. My heart was beating very fast seeing her eyes glassed and the tears rimmed at the corners of her eyes but this was the only way. I'll get her transferred someplace else because no way was I personally interacting with her to raise Ronan's doubts. He did not like me. It was a known fact. We were close when we were younger, but I had responsibilities and no time to fool around so around the time he turned 10 I had turned 17 and was on my first mission while he was fighting the colour of his birthday cake. The years have just widened that drift. Our fathers are very close. They did not trust anybody but each other and they wanted us to be like them, but we weren't and after Katherine we can't. He wanted her. Genuinely liked her and it was saying very much because he dumped his fuck toys like bees.

My little bee will be safe whatever I have to do. I was just doing it because she deserved better after everything Ronan has already done to her.

She took deep breath 's and then in a monotone voice said "yes, I understand. I have no interest in him and never will have. If you could please drop me on any airport, I'll see myself through."

Fuck. She sounded like a robot. I had no choice but to say "good choice" even though I felt like I had swallowed lead, my throat felt too tight.

"Please open the door." She said turning towards the door with her back to me.

I reached over her shoulder to unlock the door and her body stiffened. I clenched my jaw I wanted this I had to remind myself. The door opened and I caught a whiff of her peachy vanilla scent and my mouth actually watered. She walked out of the room so calmly one would think she just walked through a park and not leave a room after being given a death threat. Shit.

guys do tell me your views on the chapter and if there's something I can do to make the story great going further.

-love rky xoxo.

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