Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

"You can't leave!" Bain cried, standing in front of the door. "You can't!"

"Out of the way, laddie." Dwalin growled. "This isn't your business."

"If you're caught, I'll be punished! Sigrid and Tilda will be punished!" Bain was frantic now, desperate to protect his family.

I glanced over the the two girls. They stood in the kitchen, Tilda clutching on to her older sister's skirt. Sigrid's gaze flickered back and forth between us and Bain, as if watching an intense duel. Tilda, however, was looking straight at me. Her bottom lip quivered, big blue eyes brimming with tears.

"Maybe he's right.." I nearly whispered. "We could wait just a couple more hours."

"No!" Thorin bellowed, wheeling around on me. "We need find the hidden door by tomorrow eve, and I will not let a boy stand in way of reclaiming my throne!"

I had been backing up all the while he spoke. Thorin's chest was rising and falling rapidly, a bead of sweat glinting on his forehead. I clenched my jaw and tried not to be hurt. Thorin had never really been mad at me before this quest, and I didn't know how to handle it.

"We leave now." Thorin growled, turning his attention from me.

And those were our orders. Gloin pushed past Bain and sent him stumbling to the side. One by one, we filed out into the darkness. I cast one last apologetic look at the boy before following the men out the door.

We snuck along the sides of buildings, keeping to the shadows. I tried to keep my mind off the way Thorin had looked at me. His eyes were.. empty. Empty of any compassion that had been there before. His tone was cold, echoing through me like a scream on a silent winter day. Still I could see his hardened gaze, features of granite and his soul on fire. I was so lost in thought, I almost didn't notice when Oin stopped in front of me. I rammed into his back, letting out a soft "Oof!"

"This is it." I heard Thorin's harsh whispered from ahead and tensed. "The city armory. We get it, we get out, we get to the mountain."

There was a unanimous murmur of agreement before I watched Dwalin and Gloin boost Thorin up by the feet. He crawled in through a high window, landing silently inside.

"Come on!" Dwalin hissed, motioning us forward. One by one, we snuck into the armory. From inside, there were barely audible clanks and whispers.

When there was only six of us left outside, Kili pulled me back. Ori and Balin snaked in front of us as Kili searched my face. For what I couldn't be sure. His hands gripped either one of my arms, holding me close to him. Suddenly, a thought occurred.

"Kili.." I whispered. "What were you going to tell me? Down in the cellar?"

His mask of indifference melted into an expression of longing. Kili shook his head, allowing the dark waves of his hair to fall before his eyes.

"Not here." He said, leaning his forehead against mine. "Not now."

I tilted my chin up and closed the distance between us, connecting our lips in a questioning kiss. After mere seconds, my eyes snapped open and I pulled away. We couldn't afford to be distracted. Not here. Not now.

I tore away from him and let Dwalin and Gloin hoist me up. I was just barely tall enough to reach the window. Grabbing onto the ledge, I pulled myself up and tumbled through, landing on the wooden floor with nothing but a soft thump. From upstairs, I could here muffled voices speaking in Dwarfish. I climbed them quickly, knowing what I would find.

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