Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

*Ariel's POV*

What about Bilbo?" Ori gasped.

I was shellshocked. Never once had a let myself consider that the Hobbit might actually die.

"Give him more time." Thorin said griffly.

"More time?" I demanded. "More time to what? To be killed?"

"You're afraid." Thorin snapped at me, any trace of affection gone from his voice. My bright eyes locked with his steely ones as he dared me challenge him.

"I'm terrified." I cried. "I am afraid for Bilbo, and myself, and for you, as well!"

"For me?" Thorin scoffed.

"A sickness lies upon that treasure hoard." Balin said, coming up behind me. He put his hands on my arms and moved me behind him, as though he were unsure of what Thorin might do to me. "A sickness which drove your grandfather mad."

"I am not my grandfather." Thorin growled, turning away.

"You're not yourself." I stated, despite the warning look Balin gave me. I moved forward again, marching towards Thorin. "The Thorin I know, the Thorin I love, would never hesitate to go in there-"

"I will not risk this quest for the life of one.. burglar!" He roared, spinning back around to face me. I could feel the force of his shout, as if it were a powerful wind that could push me back.

I drew a sharp intake of breath. "Bilbo." I said, fury rising in me. "His name is Bilbo."

I moved away from Thorin, but his hand shot out and stopped me in my tracks, fingers curling around my wrist. A dull pain shot up my arm and I tried to draw my arm back, but he held tight. Never once had Thorin physically hurt me, but I was sure that when I looked tomorrow, this skin would be blooming with bruises.

"Where do you think you're going?" He snarled.

I tore my arm away, rubbing my wrist. "To find Bilbo." I drew my sword and, before anyone could stop me, slipped into the mountain.

*Fili's POV*

"Da?" I heard Sigrid's voice from outside, floating in like a breeze. "Is that you, Da?"

Kili wasn't screaming as much anymore, but his skin was so pale that I could practically see the blood rushing through his veins. I snapped to attention as the roof creaked. A thousand ideas of what it could be raced through my mind, but I simply put it down to the foundations of the house.

And then Sigrid screamed.

I spun to look and saw her holding the door closed, a blade caught between it and the frame. The back door burst open and the ugliest Orc I'd ever seen was growling and advancing on Oin. He sent it stumbling back with a kick, but another fell in from the cieling. The one Sigrid had been keeping out had over powered her and now stalked into the house. It knocked her down and I charged it, tackling the beast to the ground. I was able to hold it there until the initial shock wore off and it pushed me away.

I fell onto my back, springing up quickly. I threw whatever I could manage to get my hands on at the Orcs, trying to push them back. Looking around, I noticed that the girls had barricaded themselves under the table and Bain was doing what he could to defend them.

There were too many. There was no way we could fend them off. I thought it was hopeless until a face I never thought I would see again appeared in the door.

Tauriel, the Woodland Elf, began hacking away at the Orcs. She decapitated one smoothly, using the same stroke to stab another in the chest. I was busy kicking one in it's ugly mug when another Elf dropped from a hole in the ceiling.

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