Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I glared at Bofur as Dwalin carried Bilbo out of the room. "Way to go. I think you just lost us our hobbit."

Bofur shrugged and took a drink of his whiskey.

I shook my head and walked from room. I could hear Thorin and Gandalf talking quietly in the hall, so I steered clear. I ended up in what must have been the study. Bilbo had a mahogany desk on which several papers were lying neatly on top of each other. A quill and ink bottle sat undisturbed on the right hand side.Turning my attention away from the desk, I ran my hand along all the spines on the bookshelf.

"Do you read much?" said I voice from behind me.

I turned to see Thorin's nephew, Kili, standing in the door.

"Not as much as I would like." I went back to the book shelf. "I don't have much time for reading these days."

Suddenly, Kili was standing beside me. All of the dwarves had full blown beards, except for Kili. He had only a shadow of dark stubble gracing his tan skin. "So you're the one Thorin's always bragging about?"

I took a moment to size him up, comparing his stature with my own. He was a few inches shorter than him. He was rather tall. However, I don't think it would be fair to say I was shrimpy compared to him. I had no doubt that in a fight between us, I couldn't win. 

"Bragging," I scoffed. "He was very close with my father. He took me in after my parents died."

"He says you're fair with a bow." Kili said, his voice soft.

"I'm alright. He keeps pulling that line, though."

Kili spoke with me. "'Archery is for elves.'" We both smiled.

"Do you shoot?" I asked.

"I do." His crackling eyes held mine with startling intensity.

I turned back to the bookshelf, fiddling nervously with my cuff.

He nudged me and smiled. "Care for a brandy, Ariel?"

"God knows it." I said. He laughed and lead me into the kitchen. Kili poked around in the cupboards until he found two glasses and a rather large bottle of alcohol.

He poured us each a glass. I downed mine easily and he did the same. The liquor was hot in my throat- a familiar burn that I almost welcomed. He leaned on the counter and said, "What do you say we turn this into a drinking game?"

"What kind of drinking game?" I asked, knowing I could hold me liquor.

"Match each other, shot-for-shot. First one to bow out loses." Kili suggested.

I nodded. Simple enough. "Let's play."

He gave me mischievous smile and poured us each another round. Drink. Pour. Drink. Pour. Drink. Pour. Drink. Pour.

Dwalin walked into the room just to find us downing our sixth shot. "What the hell are you two doing in here?" he asked me.

"Kili is trying to get me drunk, but he is losing terribly." I said. It was true. I was still sober, and Kili looked kinda drunk already.

"Aye, he'll tip over by the eighth round." Dwalin snorted.

"Then we are not far off. Care to stay and watch?" I offered.

"Be delighted." He leaned against the countertop as we pick up our glasses.

I threw mine back without trouble, but Kili looked like he was having more difficulty.

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