Part One- Chapter One

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Part 1: An Unexpected Adventure

Chapter One

I bounced up and down on my white pony. Thorin rode on the right side of me, his face washed out by the moonlight.

I wore a deep purple cloak, the hood draped over my head. A thick sword was strapped to the right side of my waist, quiver on the other. A bow, hand crafted by a master bow-smith, was slung over my back, two daggers concealed in my boots.

"Where's this house we're looking for?" I asked Thorin.

"Patience, Ariel. Gandalf said we would see the sign." He said in his rich tones.

It pained me that tiny streaks of grey were visible in his dark beard. Thorin had raised me since childhood. I hated to think that he was getting old.

We passed purple doors and red doors and even a yellow door, before a green door with a shiny brass knob on the middle stuck out at me. A glowing blue symbol had been carved in near the bottom.

"Thorin, that's it." I said, pointing to the symbol. I could already hear the dwarves inside.

We dismounted our ponies and walked up the stone steps. Thorin turned to face me before knocking.

"This crowd is rowdy when they drink. And when they don't drink. Both my nephews will be here, and I expect you to show them how an heir should act. God knows you're more fit for the throne than they are." He grumbled. "Anyways, if you need help, go to Balin. You've met him. He's got more common sense than the rest of them combined."

I grinned. "Yes, sir. I won't let you down."

He smiled at me like a father at his daughter. "You never do." Then, he turned and gave three loud knocks. The noise inside ceased immediately.

We waited for a few moments until a nervous looking hobbit answered the door. I bowed to be respectful, like Thorin taught me.

"Ariel, at your service." I said.

"B-B-Bilbo Baggins, at yours." He squeaked. Bilbo opened the door wider and beckoned us in. I hurried inside, out of the chilling night air.

"May I take your cloaks?" He asked politely.

I smiled and took off my cloak. Dark curls spilled down over my back. "Thank you, Master Hobbit." He nodded stiffly and scurried off.

I took the bow off my back and hung it on a peg on the wall. "Hey, Th..." I looked around, but Thorin had disappeared.

I fiddled awkwardly with the hilt of my sword until I heard Thorin call, "Ariel!"

I followed his voice into what must have been the dining room. Twelve dwarves and a tall man in a gray hat all sat around a table. Thorin stood in the door frame, and I lingered behind him.

"Come, child." He ushered me into the light of the room. "Men, this is Ariel. She has been traveling with me since she was young."

A voice rang out from the back of the room. "Really, uncle? You chose to train a girl over me?" Said a blonde dwarf with a mischievous smile.

Without hesitation, I reached for one of my daggers and whipped it across the room. The blade impaled itself in the wall less than two inches from his face. There was a whimper behind me that could have only been Bilbo.

"My wall!" I heard him gasp.

The blonde dwarf's eyes widened, staring at the hilt. His breathing had stilled to a halt. "I'll be damned," he whispered.

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