Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

There was a party that night. The people of Lake-Town celebrated, giving us all they had and more, believing that gold was soon on it's way.

Never one for parties, I mostly sat back and observed. Bofur was smashed. It was just after midnight when he was stumbling around, another pint in his hand though he had already spilled most of it's contents. Kili was standing in a crowd of people, laughing and drinking with the rest of them.

I walked up behind him and plucked the glass from his hands. "I'll take that." I said as he protested. "We both know what happens when you drink."

Kili blushed, remembering that first night he'd challenged me to a drinking game and lost horribly. He'd already had a bit, so his cheeks were tinged pink. I couldn't help but smile at his choppy movements. It what was probably an attempt to be flirtatious, Kili pushed in hair back. In the process, he poked himself in the eye.

I watched with amusement, taking a swig of the ale I'd grabbed from Kili.

"So." He said, leaning clumsily against a wall. "You come here often?"

"You're already pissed!" I laughed, a hand on my stomach.

"No I'm not!" He defended himself. "Just nervous."

"Nervous? About tomorrow?" I scoffed, drinking again.

Kili smirked. "Something like that."

I stared up at him, wondering once again why I was so drawn to this stupid boy. He was reckless and cocky and just plain stupid. Stupid and dumb and... Stupid. Shaking my head, I slammed my glass down on a table beside me.

Without thinking about it too much, I reached up and snaked my arms around Kili's neck. I pulled him down to me, a surprised gasp barely escaping his lips before they met mine. Whatever he had expected me to do, it wasn't this. His hands rested on my waist as he began to kiss me back.

For a single moment, time was frozen. Nothing mattered but us. I didn't care about reaching the mountain or slaying the dragon. All I cared about was the boy who was holding onto me like I was his entire world. This boy was pressing me up against a wall and kissing me in way that made me feel.. infinite.

He was here with me, and Tauriel was gone. Any trace of doubt that had been hiding away in the darkest corners of my mind that Kili didn't feel about me that way I felt about him was gone. I clung to him, melting away like I never had before.

"Ayyeee!" A voice shattered our moment and sent Kili reeling back.

He broke away and took a few stumbling steps away from me. I could only stand there with my lips tingling from the sudden loss of contact.

"What's goin' on over -HIC- here?!" Gloin slapped Kili on the back, a full pint in his beefy hand. He turned to Kili and tried to whispered, but I could hear every word. "Did you finally tell the girl you love her?"

Kili pushed him off. "You're drunk."

"And you love her!" He mumbled. "Are we done stating the obvious?"

Suddenly, my heart dropped. Sure, Gloin was drunk. Sure, I felt something for Kili. Something.. real. But love?

I could feel Kili's eyes on me, but I didn't look up. Instead, I slipped away into the crowd. I didn't know where I was going, but I had to get away him. Did he.. did he love me?

Did I love him?

I would never admit it to myself, but I knew the answer. I'd known this entire time.

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