Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight

They found her hours later, sat next to the body of Thorin's younger nephew. Her expression was blank, eyes clouded with a dull sort of pain. No one dared to try and take him from her.

"Ariel," Dwalin choked. "Lass, we need to move him. For the burial."

Ariel shook her head, but said nothing.

Ori kneeled beside her and began to rub her back. "Come on, now." He whispered. "There's nothing you can do. He's gone."

She looked at him suddenly. Ariel raised a hand to his face and carressed his cheek, gold ring glittering on her finger.

"Will you kill me?" She breathed.

Ori snapped back, springing to his feet. "Why would you ever ask that of me?"

"I don't want to live without them." Ariel confessed, shaking her head. A tear slipped down her cheek and landed on the ground. "I can't, I don't know how."

Ori took her hand gently and pulled her to her feet. He touched his forehead agaisnt her and closed his eyes. "You'll be okay." He told her. "I promise."

Ariel shook her head, yet another tear dripping off her cheek.

"Come, now." He murmured. Ori began to lead her away, slowly. Ariel's legs were weak and stiff, aching with every step. He supported her on one side, and Gloin quickly helped her on the other.

She nodded in gratitude as the company parted before them, leaving a clear path for the heartbroken girl, left alone once again.


The burial took place two days later, after the mass funerals for all those lost in battle. The Elves were all gone. They took their fallen to be given a ceremony in Mirkwood, where they belonged. All those from Lake-Town were burned on the water. Anyone remanining had gone back to their homes, with a fair share of gold to rebuild. Bard and his children had all survived, and they now had enough money to build themselves a castle. The Dwarves, with full honors, were buried on the slopes of Erebor. All apart from three.

Fili, Kili, and Thorin were to be buried in Durin's Tomb. The last two days, when not attending ceremonies, were spent crafting their coffins. Beautiful marble would hold their bodies, til age and decay withered away their bones. The lid of each Dwarf's coffin was engraved with the exact likeness of his face. The lids would not be placed on the coffins until after the ceremony, but were proudly displayed as an example of Dwarfish workmanship.

Thorin's carving was laced with gold, as every King's was. His body was a different story. They'd cleaned him up, so that no one could see the gaping tear in his stomach. He'd been clothed and washed and set out on a velvet bed for his ceremomy. It almost looked as if he could be sleeping. Wrinkels and worry lines were smoothed away, replaced by an eternal calm. It made Ariel sick to her stomach.

Kili and Fili were on either side of their uncle, Fili's coffin just barely more grand than his brother's. Ariel knew that Kili would have a thing or two to say about that, but she brushed it aside as she stood in front of them. Fili's mischievous grin was not absent, even in death. Ariel knew that where ever he was, he was raising a little hell

And Kili.

Her love was laid out on blue satin, setting off the stark contrast of his dark hair and now-pale skin. Usually so tan, the parchement tone took Ariel by surprise every time she blinked. Kili had been placed so carefully, as too look regal, but it wasn't him.

He never slept with his hands on his stomach, always behind his head with one leg up and the other laid flat. Now, he was stiff and straight. She had to restrain herself from taking his face in her hands and shaking him til he woke.

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