Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Another giant rose behind us, quickly struck by a boulder sailing through the air.

"Take cover, you fool!" Thorin yelled at Bofur, who was standing near the edge of the pass, watching in awe. Someone pulled him back to the wall as the ledge we stood on began to move.

"Hold on!" Dwalin roared. We rose up, the ledge beginning to crack in half.

"What's happening?" cried Kili.

"Grab my hand!" Called Fili, reaching for his brother.

I ended up on the side with Fili, after he shoved me behind him, away from the edge.

"KILI!" Fili screamed.

Kili looked terrified at being separated from his brother that way.

The space between us widened, and I looked up to see that we stood on the legs of a stone giant. It pushed itself up, another creature slamming it's head into it.

The giant stumbled back. All I could do was scream, reaching out to Fili for support. He grabbed my hand and clenched it tight, keeping the both of us pressed back against the wall.

The Dwarfs on the other leg crashed into a different cliff. They quickly ran off of the giant, onto the unmoving stone.

The giants kept fighting, throwing us around with them. The head of our giant was knocked clean off. It sailed back, shattering above the rest of the company.

Now, seeing as the head was gone, our giant was inanimate. We fell backwards, towards a stone wall. I screamed and clenched Fili's hand even tighter. We knocked into the wall, every one of us thrown off, onto a different ledge.

We laid in a heap, thankful we hadn't been crushed.

"Nooo!" We heard Thorin scream over the storm. "No!"

Their voices drew nearer and I could only laugh, relived.

I looked up and saw Thorin, staring at Fili and I with all the affection in the world.

Kili shoved his way forward, throwing himself down on the stone next to me.

"Don't you ever do that again!" He yelled while everyone else stood up, brushing themselves off, like what had just happened was no big deal.

"Nice to see you, too." I grunted, sitting up.

Kili gathered me into his arms and said, "I thought you were dead."

"Hey," I said. "I'm fine. No harm done."

He pulled back and looked at me, hazel eyes crackling with all the ferocity of the storm that still bore down upon us.

Kili leaned forward quickly, lips crashing down on mine. I gasped, shocked. He had given no warning of his intentions, but instead poured everything he could have said into a single kiss.

I broke away from him and said, "I hate surprises, but that was actually quite pleasant."

Kili smiled and probably would have kissed me again, if Bofur had not yelled, "Where's Bilbo? Where's the hobbit?"

I scrambled to my feet, just in time to see him dangling over the ledge barely holding on.

"Bilbo!" I cried.

They were trying to pull him up, but it was too slippery. Thorin jumped down, finding a ledge at the same place as Bilbo. He shoved the Hobbit up, then reached his hand out to Dwalin. His cousin went to pull him back onto the pass when Thorin's gripped slipped, and he stumbled. Now, Thorin Oakenshield was dangling from the ledge.

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