Part Two- Chapter Twelve

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Part Two: The Desolation of Smaug

Chapter Twelve

I stood quietly, my hand resting on the hilt of my blade. The Company chattered nervously, awaiting the return of one Bilbo Baggins. Thorin always sent him out for scouting, as he had the best sight of us all.

We had been running from Azog for what felt like weeks- never stopping quite long enough, always afraid of being caught.

A terrible roar split the morning air. I snapped to attention as our Hobbit came barreling down the slope.

"How close is the pack?" Thorin asked.

"Too close," Bilbo said nervously. "A couple of leagues, no more. But that's not the worst of it."

"Have the Wargs picked up out scent?" Dwalin demanded.

"Not yet," Bilbo said, panting, hands on his knees. "But they will. We have another problem."

"Did they see you?" Gandalf asked. "They saw you."

"What? No, that's not it." Bilbo said with a wave of his hand.

Gandalf smiled. "What did I tell you? Quiet as a mouse. Excellent burglar material."

Everyone chattered happily. We had all come to like Bilbo.

"Will you listen?" Bilbo cried. "Will you just listen? I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there." He pointed up the slope.

I glanced over at Thorin, who wore a look of confusion.

"What form did it take?" Asked Gandalf. "Like a bear?"

"Ye- yes, but bigger. Much bigger." Said Bilbo.

"You knew about this creature?" I blurted out.

Gandalf just turned away.

"I say we double back!" Bofur said.

"And be run down by a pack of Orcs?" Thorin snapped.

Everyone started talking at once, giving suggestions on what we could do.

"There is a house.." said Gandalf, turning back to face us. "It is not from here, where me might take refuge."

"Who house?" demanded Thorin. "Are they friend or foe?"

"Neither," said the Wizard after a moment's hesitation. "He will help us or.. he will kill us."

"What choice do we have?" Thorin asked.

The roar sounded again, startling all of us. Kili backed up so quickly he knocked into me, launching me into his brother.

"None." Said Gandalf.

So we ran.

We ran as fast as we could, through meadows and streams and fields. We sprinted through forests, the Orcs on our heels and a creature of mystery on theirs.

We stopped, looking around.

"This way! Quickly!" Called Gandalf.

We ran faster and faster, weaving through the trees and the plants. We burst out the forest and into a clearing. Across the patch of land, there was a small house surrounded by a grand stone wall.

"To the house!" Gandalf's voice rang out, sharp and clear. "RUN!"

As we sprinted through the clearing, Bombur overtook us, his fear of death outweighing his love of cheese. I panted as we crossed into the small yard, but kept running upon hearing another roar, much closer than before.

"Get inside!" The old Wizard herded us in.

Fili and Bombur slammed against the door, finding it locked. As they struggled, I turned to see the creature erupt from the tree line. It was a glorious and terrifying sight to behold.

The thing was massive, it's black fur clotted with branches and leaves. It's teeth were easily as big as my hands, which gave me some incentive to get the damn door open.

"Open the door!" Gandalf cried as the bear came closer and closer.

"QUICKLY!" Bellowed Thorin.

I shoved my way through and pushed up the latch holding the door shut. We all fell inside and scrambled back to our, slamming the door on the great beast's muzzle.

"Push!" We screamed, desperate to keep the thing out.

"Come on, lads!" Dwalin yelled.

Our combined strength was enough to shove the door closed and barricade it shut.

"What is that?!" Ori asked after a moment of panting.

"That it our host." Gandalf said, turning away.

We all looked up at him in shock.

"I am not feeling the hospitality." I murmured, mostly to myself.

"His name is Beorn." Gandalf continued. "And he's a skin-changer. Sometimes he'a a huge black bear. Sometimes he's great strong man." the Wizard had begun to talk away from us. "The bear is unpredictable, but the man can be reasoned with." Gandalf paused. "However.."

"Let me guess." I interrupted, sliding my pack off my shoulders. "He's not a fan of Dwarves."

Beorn growled from outside.

"He's leaving." Ori said, turning away from were he watched the beast.

"Come away from there!" Dori gasped, pulling Ori to him. "It's not natural. None of it! It's obvious." He glared at Gandalf accusingly. "He'a under some dark spell."

"Don't be a fool." The grey wizard may as well have rolled his eyes. "He's under no enchantment but his own."

Gandalf spoke to us all then. "All right, now get some sleep. All of you. You'll be safe here tonight."

The sun was starting to go down as I laid out my sleeping mat on the floor of Beorn's stable.

"Mind if I join you?" I looked up to see Kili stand over me, a smirk spreading across his tan face.

"Not at all." I said, trying to sound cool about it.

So, Kili laid down next to me and we talked as the sun fell beneath the horizon. He told me all of his favorite childhood memories, all his favorite stories of Fili and himself. I told him everything I could think of, how I loved the stars and the forest before dawn. We talked and talked, until my eyes fluttered shut, and just before sleep overtook me, I felt Kili's fingers slip into mine, thumb rubbing circles on the back of my hand. Sleep had never come easier.

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