Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

*Ariel's POV*

"Stay close," Thorin told us as we turned the final corner into the guardroom.

What we found sent me reeling.

"Oh-" I gasped, nearly dropping my sword.

For a split second, I forgot even my own name. All around us, corpses and skeletons littered the floor. There were women in here. Children. A strangled noise escaped my throat, and when I reached up to wipe my face, I was not surprised that my hand came away wet.

"That's it, then." Dwalin said gravely. "There's no way out."

All these people, like us, had come here looking for a way to live. All these people, like we soon would, had died.

"The last of our kin." Balin said. "They must have come here.. hoping beyond hope." His voice caught and I saw him wipe at his eyes.

I could almost hear their screams. Their children crying, fighting for breath where there was none. What a horrible fate.. and now it was mine.

"We could try to reach the mines." Balin suggested, though his voice was empty. "We might last a few days."

What's the point? I thought to myself. We're going to die either way.

"No," Thorin said, taking deliberate steps forward.  "I will not die like this. Cowering, clawing for breath."

He turned to face us, his expression a mask of stone. "We make for the forges."

"He'll see us." Dwalin shook his head. "Sure as death."

"We could split up." I shrugged.

"Ariel, we'd never make it." Balin said.

"Some of us might." Thorin interjected, almost hopefully. "Lead him to the forges. We kill the dragon."

I nodded solemnly, and Thorin locked eyes with me. "If this is to end in fire," He said, "then we shall all burn together."


There was no way I was leaving Thorin's side. Neve in a million years. I stuck in a group with him, Balin, and Bilbo.

"This way" Thorin said, leading us out onto a walkway.

We ran for it, not caring how much noise we made this time. Half way across, we heard his wings.

"Flee," Smaug growled, sending shivers up my spine. "Flee! Run for your lives!"

Oh, I intended to. We came to an abrupt halt, gazing up at the beast.

"There is nowhere to hide.."

My heart seemed to stop and I was paralyzed, transfixed by his golden gaze.

"Behind you!" Ori yelled, drawing Smaug's attention.

"Worm!" Dori bellowed.

Ori, Dori, and Bombur all bumped into each other in their attempt to stop. The dragon lunged at them.

"RUN!" The yelled to us, and we did.

We ran for our lives. The last thing I heard was Dwalin's rough tones taunting Smaug before we were out of earshot. Since this was Thorin's kingdom, I trusted him completely as he led us through the sone halls.

"This way!" Balin broke off as we ran. "Thorin, Ariel, this way! Come on!"

But when we turned, there was no time to go back. Smaug was closing in.

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